Starting this purely because I'm still gloating over basking in the afterglow of receiving my new D600: That's a Tokina 12-24mm DX lens on it, backed by a Kenko 1.4x converter, which has the effect of turning it into a 17-34 mm FX lens. Just as well because having bought that chunk of fun I'm skint, so my DX lenses will have to do for a while. There's a bit of vignetting under f=15 mm nominal, but even at 12 mm nominal it can be cropped out to leave a 19 Mp image rather than the camera's 10.3 Mp native DX crop. The pic, BTW, was taken with my delightful little Nikon 1 V1, also new, or rather NOS acquired for about a quarter of the original price. :bunny01: Nous sommes un 'appy campeur.