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  1. Given the absence of authoritative and/or industry standards for nib width grade (Fine, Medium, Broad, etc.) definitions, as well as agreement and common understanding among fountain pen users at large globally, perhaps a better way to look at which nib an individual user and/or buyer 'needs' is to examine the minimum and/or maximum line width(s) in terms of objective measurements, such that it would be fit for a particular purpose (or acceptable as 'general purpose') to him/her. For me personally, I've often stated that my test for a pen and nib's fitness for purpose (as a 'general purpose' writer used in everyday applications) is whether I can write in traditional Chinese legibly within a 5mm grid, which is the most common spacing for line-grid and dot-grid journals and notepads on the market. But what does that actually mean, especially if I have to explain it to someone who is not familiar with the appearance and structure of the most common two or three thousand traditional Chinese characters? I most commonly use the Chinese (as opposed to, say, Sanskrit) text of the Heart Sutra when I do writing samples, just as I typically use the text of the papal bull Inter Gravissimas for writing samples that use Latin-based characters. Let's look at the first character in the Heart Sutra: 觀. 觀 is a fairly commonly used character in Chinese outside of Buddhist sutras and texts; it appears in the Chinese words for objective and its opposite subjective, views, opinion, optimism, appearance, observe, sightseeing, Taoist shrine, and so on. Furthermore, the left half of that character is a component of quite a number of other common Chinese characters such as 歡, 灌 and 鑵. In order for me to write 觀 (and any other Chinese character that contains the left half of it) legibly, I must be able to draw in sixteen parallel, (nearly) horizontal partitions inside the em-space, either deliberately putting ink in a partition or deliberately avoiding putting ink in one. A loose equivalent to that would be being able to draw within the height of the em-space eight distinct, parallel, horizontal lines that are cleanly separated. I also need to factor in enough spacing between two consecutive lines of writing to provide clear delineation, so let's make that nine horizontal lines (and eight 'white' lines of empty space separating them, preferably followed by a ninth as well). Let's assume for now that the whitespace between two parallel lines of ink ought to be at least as wide as the lines themselves, in order to make their separation visually distinct. Therefore, each horizontal line of ink should nominally be no wider than one-seventeenth to one-eighteenth of the grid size being used. Using 5mm grid paper, that works out to approximately 0.28mm. The line width requirement for parallel vertical lines inside the em-space is less stringent; seven to eight lines will generally suffice. (It always makes me wonder why some people think architect nibs, which produce wider horizontal strokes than vertical strokes, are suited to Chinese and/or Japanese writing.) Any pen – in combination with the specific ink and paper used, as well as limited by my own handwriting technique and hand-eye coordination – with which I cannot draw nine distinct parallel lines within the em-space is not fit for the purpose of 'everyday' writing for me. So that's the rule-of-thumb test I tend to use now, including when testing inks to see whether they're acceptable for use with certain pens I have. Also keep in mind that 觀 is hardly one of the most complex or stroke-dense traditional Chinese characters. (It's not even as complex as one of the characters in my given name, which thankfully I don't have to write very often these days.) However, using a character such as 齉 at every turn as the standard for testing could be a little unreasonable; we don't talk or write about nasal blockage every day. Interestingly, even though Japanese fountain pen manufacturers often use inscriptions of F, M, B, etc. on the nibs to denote their width grades, in Japanese the grades are actually denoted 細字 (small characters/ideograms/symbols/glyphs), 中字 (medium-sized characters), 太字 (large characters), etc. correspondingly. In other words, the user nominally selects a nib based on how large his/her handwriting is for a given purpose, and not how wide the nib tipping is or how wide a line it is apt to produce on the page. I'd be happy to agree that, by most people's standards, writing Chinese hanzi or Japanese kanji in a 5mm grid, especially without whole lines of whitespace of that height in between lines of writing to aid legibility, is very small handwriting – 極細字 – which 'translates' to Extra Fine in terms of nib width grade (although I'm often able to do it with Japanese nibs that are classed as F nibs).
  2. (I wish I could attribute the source but I don't know where I found this)
  3. Plurmph Hamwrangler

    Waterman nib size for which pen??

    I wasn't sure if I should put this here or on nibsand tines, but this is a waterman specific nib question. I bought my husband a waterman ideal "red" nib. It was mentioned that it is a no. 7 nib. Which pen would this fit? I saw a waterman 52 with a no. 2 nib, so I'm confused as to which pens he can use the 7 on. Any help is appreciated as I'm very new to fountain pens and trying to understand my hubby's hobby. Thank.
  4. So, I am usually using Japanese pens/nibs for my writing style, but I'm wondering what nib size I should go for when purchasing a western model of pen(*my first Edison*). I tried a Pelikan twist in a medium nib that I really liked, so should I go with that size or get my usual size which is a fine? Thanks all! I appreciate the help!
  5. Hi. I want to get help from everyone who knows a lot. I have a custom fountain pen that uses a Bock #6 250 nib. But recently, I've been wanting to put a new nib on this custom fountain pen. I'd like to fit one of Omas' nibs, but I'm not sure which one to buy to match the specs. For example, if I buy a nib from Paragon old/new, Milroad, etc., Which Omas' nib should I buy to be compatible with my custom fountain pen?
  6. Hi all. Would you help me to compilate a list of pens that have a #8 nib, that is to say, the size of a MB 149 or Pelikan M1000 nib? I am interested in both vintage and modern pens from all over the world. Of course, if you know where such a list exists, just let me know. Thanks. MB 149 Pelikan M1000 MB Hemingway Soennecken 111 Extra Matador Garant 998 Goldfink Imperial and Wunderfuller by Tom Westerich. Astoria Goliath (new batch) Delta Dolce Vita. OS Additions from the thread: Onoto Mammoth Soennecken Präsident Waterman 18 and 58 Montegrappa Extra y Montegrappa Extra 1930 GVFC Pen of the Year and Wood Intuition Mabie Todd Big Blackbird Osmia Supra 448 Newton Pens Orville
  7. Hi folks ! What pens do you use the most for long writing sessions and nib size ? How many a4 pages do you write daily on average ?
  8. What are/is the wettest pen/nib you own, share some information about it and your experience using it !
  9. QualityPens

    Whate Is My Montblanc Nib Size

    hi.on my Montblanc nib i see the later E on the nib what size is E
  10. I have been writing with fountain pens since elementary school. However, I did not start investing in gold nibs until the beginning of this year. In this particular post, as we are talking about the nib, I will be selectively focused on the broadness of the nib only. Since I am a college student, functionality always dictates my affection for any nib. As a result, none of my pens has a nib that is broader than a Pilot Custom 823 M. Currently, I have two Montblanc 146 pens, one in F and the other in EF; I have a Justus 95 in F, a Lamy 2000 in EF, a Pilot Custom 823 in M, a Pilot Falcon in EF, and a Sailor 1911L in MF. As you can see, reflected in my rather a small collection, finer nibs are truly special to me. They make it possible for me to write more information on a single page and draw clear graphs/chemical structures. It is also worth mentioning that on a practical standpoint, the nib has to be suitable for me to write rather fast - these fine nibs have all aligned this requirement quite well (except the Falcon EF since it is too soft and can, therefore, get scratchy during fast writing). Furthermore, even though these are rater fine nibs, they still allow my inks to show their color variations (I use Irushizuku inks, Montblanc ink, Kobe ink, and Kyoto ink). Since I never own any broader nibs, I am very curious about your thoughts. Do you think I should get a broader nib? Here are some pictures of my pens and the things I write for your reference.
  11. Hey Guys, I am looking to pick up a Lamy 2000 as my first gold nib pen. I have had a Lamy Aion (M) for a while and really like it (except for the cap rattle, but I've been able to fix that with some tinkering. With the Aion, the medium is good when writing on quality paper (i.e. Rhodia), but when I write on lesser quality (I write on medical charts all day), I find it slightly too bold. I'm really torn as to if I should get it in a Fine or Medium nib because it is an investment. I have been searching all over the DFW metroplex for a place where I could test both to see which one I prefer before buying. Im normally willing to take the risk, but I really would like this pen to be my daily workhorse. I have found few places in DFW that carry fountain pens in general and none that carry the Lamy 2000. I am also aware of the Dallas Pen Collectors Club, but it doesn't look like their next meeting is until June! I am also driving to Austin this Friday, so any places there would also be appreciated! If anybody knows a place where I could test one out, it would be a miracle. If not, any opinions on the Lamy 2000 nibs would be amazing! Y'all are the best!
  12. I've just disassembled my 1st English-made 51, and I've got a couple of questions. Did Parker use plastic breather tubes in some of their 51s? This pen is a 1953 vintage(based on the nib imprint, so I know it could be different). It has some kind of "plastic"(ebonite?) breather tube, with a larger bore than the stainless ones I've seen before. A stainless tube will not fit the bore in the feed, as the stainless tube is much narrower. The feed itself looks different, but externally the same diameter, as it will fit in a USA nib. The tube has a breather hole, and the ends of the tube look rather crudely cut, almost as if they've been snapped off. Is this typical, or just another of many variations of parts and manufacture through the years? Secondly, I think I have a B nib, but again, cannot be sure. I did not write with it before disassembly. Nib has PARKER "Made in England" stamp. Bottom left has a what appears to be "B . P ." stamp. Bottom right is stamped 1953. Is this just a standard B nib, or, is it something else entirely? Any ideas?
  13. Rosendust2121

    Stola Iii/experiences/nib Suggestions?

    Hey everyone, I'm considering getting a Stola III and I'm wondering what your experiences have been with this pen/ease of use, et al. Also, since I'm more used to Japanese pens; what nib size would you suggest for me? Regards, Rosendust
  14. spirit_stampede

    F Nib On Parker Too Broad?

    Hi, I've been lurking around for a while and this is my first post I recently acquired a NOS Parker 88 (I believe it's a 88 though it was listed as a Rialto) and while there is an "F" stamped on the plastic feeder, it writes like a Broad to me. I have just got into FP so this is the only Parker I have. I'm not sure if my observation is correct but it feels like it has a B nib on an F feeder, is it possible that the nib has been swapped or is it just typical Parker F nib? I'd like your opinion on this. Another thing is it writes very wet, more so than I'd like, is there a way to decrease ink flow? I included some photos of the nib and a writing sample here (J. Herbin Rouge Opera ink). Thanks for your time!
  15. QualityPens

    Letter On My Nib

    I bought a Mont Blanc pen, nib size medium and in the back of the nib is embossed the letter E. what does the e stand for? Does it stand for the size of the nib?
  16. I bought a broad nib a while back. I was told that it was a nib for a Sheaffer Prelude. My plan had been to put this broad nib on a Sheaffer cartridge pen from long ago, the ones that were still made with the hard rubber feeds. Unfortunately, I could never get this Sheaffer Frankenpen to write. It seemed like the radius of curvature of the nib did not adequately match the diameter of the feed. Can anyone tell me a bit about the Sheaffer Prelude nib? What size is it? Are there any other fountain pens that it is known to be compatible with? I'd like to be able to use what looks like a really nice, broad nib on some fountain pen or another. Thanks for any help on this.
  17. dthayer

    All Metal Pen Question

    Hello all, I just found a Wahl- Eversharp all metal pen in the wild and I had a few questions about it. I think its the Grecian pattern. It is 12.4 cm long. There is an M stamped on the feed The main questions are: What size nib is it? Where can I find a new pressure bar for it? (the one that came with it seems to be missing an attachment to keep in on the lever) Any other information or resources to learn from would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Hello Everyone, I bought a used 149 from an online seller in the U.K. last week. The serial number on the warranty card matches the one inscribed on the pen cap. But what I am curious is the nib size. The warranty card says the nib is Fine (F). But many of my friends who are FP fans say, from what it writes, it should be a Medium (M) nib. Could it be possible that an F writes like an M? Also, I was trying to switch the ink from Diamine Blue Velvet to Diamine Bilberry yesterday. When I attempted to screw the piston to remove blue velvet back into its bottle, some ink came out from the piston side. This is my first piston pen; I suppose that this could be a normal behaviour of the piston. But when I explained the symptom to a friend who has a 146, he recalls similar experience, said there is a slight leak near the piston threads and suggested that I visit a boutique to have it repaired. Is this normal? Should I have it repaired or should I live with it? Cheers!! Thiti
  19. I need input on deciding between Fine vs. Extra Fine Nib for a Visconti Homo Sapien Silver I am new to FPN and relatively new to the world of fountain pens, but after exploring the various posts and various Online stores, have taken the plunge to get a Visconti HS. I had originally ordered a Visconti HS Silver MIDI online. After holding the pen for the first time on arrival, decided I would likely use the pen unposted as the cap is quite heavy and doesn't quite feel right posted to me. Unposted, however, the MIDI feel slightly small to me. Luckily the vendor was happy to offer an upgrade to the Visconti HS Silver (full size). The MIDI is en route to the vendor for upgrade exchange, but i am having doubts about my nib selection. I've read reviews on how the HS nips compare relative to Pelikan nibs, but I don't own a Pelikan (yet). My frame of reference for nib size are the pens I am currently using Pilot Namiki Metropolitan Medium Nib--Ideal size for mePilot Namiki Vanishing Point Fine Nib--slightly too fine (but has it's advantages for taking fine notes in a wallet sized notebook)Lamy Al-Star Fine Nib--slightly too "inky"--broader than the Namiki Metropolitan Medium--would prefer slightly finer and think the Lamy Extra Fine would have worked better for me Based on the above, Which Homo Sapien nib comes closest to a Namiki Medium Nib or Lamy Extra Fine Nib? Can't wait to hear input from this board. Much thanks in advance. Edwin
  20. Sehn

    Montblanc 149 Nib Size?

    Hey there! I bought a Montblanc 149 from an auction and finally got it today! Really happy about it, since my daily writer to this day has been a Lamy Nexx or Safari. I got told it's a M size nib, but it is really big compared to the M nib I had on the Lamys. I really like it, but I'm just not sure if it really is a M. So, that brings me to my question: http://imgur.com/TK59KRP top: http://imgur.com/EWczmCe bottom: http://imgur.com/Yp3Rlpv side: http://imgur.com/zHvEPVg I've also encountered a little problem, but probably it's because the pen only got used once and isn't "written in" yet: it has some hard starts depending on how I hold it and - if I use it on rather "slippery" paper - sometimes doesn't lie down ink at all. However, once it writes there are no skips, even if I make very long lines across the paper. It's always just the start. Is this because it's a new pen? Or because of my ink? I use the Iroshizuku kon-peki, had the same "problem" with the iroshizuku yama-budo, however. Thanks for your help in advance! Regards, Sehn
  21. hello, i am a new user at FPN. i just have begun to use low end pens, and i would like to know what nib is suitable for me. first of all, i want a line similear to 0.7 rollerball tips , and as i put a lot of pressure on my pen, i also want such a nib , that does not leave a mark behind the page/paper. any advice ? qwnm
  22. Hans-Gabriel

    If You Had To Choose A Nib...

    Hello to all of you! I am designing a fountain pen and I am hesitating between three nib brands: Jowo, Schmidt and Bock. The nibs would be made of steel. Not only am I hesitating between the 3 brands, but I am also confused on all the sizes and models available. Do the physical dimensions affect the writing qualities? Between these, which one would you choose and for what reason (apart the physical dimensions)? Jowo #5 or #6 Schmidt FH41, FH241 FH452 Bock #060, #076 or #180 What is your experience with these nibs? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience.
  23. carevalo1

    Which Nib Do I Choose?

    Hi, I have made the decision to buy an m200 and m600. The m200 is going to be included in my rotation of pens for school, the m600 stays at home. My question would be which nib do I choose for the m200. Will the fine be in any way scratchy, and if I choose a medium, will it be too wet? I have also herd that the nibs are removable. Will the m600 nib fit on the m200? Thank you for the responses.
  24. I know Brian Goulet advertises his nibs as being compatible with the X450 and X750, as they both use #6 nibs, but I have a Jinhao 950 (this one) and the nib is a little skippy and way too broad for my liking. So my question is, do all Jinhao pens use the same size nib? I emailed the Goulet Pen Company but they said they don't have much experience with the 950 and suggested I ask you guys.
  25. Hi all, Just registered to the forums after ordering my first ever fountain pen on Friday. I am waiting on a Pilot Metropolitan with a Fine nib. The ink I ordered is Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo, which I chose after seeing example photos online. One of the things that really attracted me to the ink was how well it shades. My question is, will I regret choosing a fine-point nib if I like the shaded look? I now imagine that a Medium nib could have been a better choice if I want the color properties of the ink to stand out. Any thoughts?

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