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  1. Private Reserve Spearmint This is my first review of anything and I am excited to do more!
  2. Baggins

    Hello from Portugal

    Hi. I’m Baggins, from Lisbon Portugal. I have already written my profile. I think I am good to go please advise if I should do anything else to start interacting here. interested in exchanging letters. Mine will be handwritten. anybody interested please say something. I don’t know how this will process in terms of contacting, or waiting and how would be the best way to exchange address details. Thank you, and the best 2024 for everybody. Bg.
  3. I got this eyedropper-filled Blackbird a few days ago. It's not only my first Mabie Todd it's also my first pen with 'real' flex. Questions: Is it normal for the tines to be this far apart in 'resting' position? How far should the nib and feed be inserted into the section? Should I put a lot of ink in the barrel? Should it be able to work well with just a small fill? Suggestions for inks that work particularly well with this pen? Ideally, I would like to use a vintage-looking brown or sepia. Also, I am on an extended trip and brought along a small bottle of Pilot Blue Black so I am hoping that will work well. (?) Ink didn't flow consistently in my initial tries - actually a little difficult to get flow going. When it flows it is great, though. I used a small fill of L'Artisan Pastellier Classique Marron, which is supposed to be a "safe" ink for vintage pens.
  4. xTurtleToex


    Hello, Just wanted to stop in and say hello 👋 I've been a pen nut for awhile, but just recently discovered fountain pens. I guess it was the next logical step in my writing delusion 😀 I love everything about the fountain pens. The inks, nibs, and even the maintenence. Anywhere, I'll see ya'll around the forums. XTurtleToex
  5. Asteris

    Greetings from Greece

    Got a Faber-Castell 2011 model fountain pen as a present and that's how it started. Currently owns a Pilot mr and lookimg for a step-up pen.
  6. jorpyth

    Greetings from Spain!

    Good afternoon folks I'm Jorge, a spanish guy who has been secretly reading and researching within the topics of this forum for 6 years or so...😅 - since I started getting in this whole thing of fountain pens, which is my way of living (forget about the word hobby; this is not that anymore 🤪). But the time has come to show up and be more active, in order to offer whatever I might add to this mix and, therefore, stop lurking around and get in touch with y'all. Hope you're all doing alright. See you in this pages Best regards!
  7. This is my first post. I have been dormant for the last 11 years since signing up to fountainpennetwork in 2010. I bought my Sailor Pro Gear Slim 14k MF yesterday which made me write this post. As soon as I got home I wrote a couple of hand written letters to my cousins in Canada, which if I mail them now will reach them in the next 40 days !! I bought this from Sailor retailer in Hong Kong for a bargain price of US $98. I went to the shop to buy Pelikan M200 which retailed around $140 but couldn't resist the deal of owning a sailor for less than $100. Most pens were at a discounted price compared to other shops I visited here. I also bought sailor Souten ink which I love. Had been contemplating between Iroshizuku Asa Gao and Kon Peki and the Souten sits just in the middle without being too rich or too light. Here are few pictures for fellow pen lovers.
  8. InkNsap

    Hello from South Yorkshire

    Hello my dear pen lovers! I’m a Venezuelan living in South Yorkshire. I have recently started collecting and playing with fountain pens and paper and discovered this community through YouTube (watching Sbrebrown). I can’t seem to find anyone close to me into this hobby so I’m very interested in making connections (online for the moment) and learning more about pens. I work in a Library, love reading and I’m a bit of an introvert. x.
  9. Hi! Recently wandered across here whilst I was looking at ink differences and thought I'd make a little account! I'm Emma, from the UK and have recently fallen in love with Fountain Pens and everything about them. I wanted one a few years ago but never got round to it, until I got my first one (Lamy Safari - Aquamarine) and have fallen in love ever since. I suppose when you start a new obsession, you fall very hard 🤪 Have always been a lover of all things stationary way back since Primary school (saving the pennies for a new set every new school year!) and its carried on ever since, I've also been Bullet Journaling for the past 5 years and it's what keeps me sane! Hope to speak to some of you soon! 😊
  10. Hi I'm a newbie here thinking to start writing with a fountain pen again. I had tried earlier with a classmate Octane but the nib was too sratchy still continued with the two barrels and later switched back to ball pen. Had seen fountain pen all my childhood but never could write with one. Then through out wet shave fb group got in touch with few like minded people who still write with them. One of the makers Pinkwoolf also does send a lovely handwritten note with a fountain pen that ignited the aviation fuel build up which was awaiting ignition. Very unfortunate to hear that the companies have gone so greasy that even with inflation included the prices are no match to what it was earlier in india. Have shortlisted -Click Aristocrat demo medium nib pen as the initial days per ml keeps haunting. -Sheafer no nonsense -Diamine black ink -Bril black ink
  11. Medinawriter

    New to the forum

    I am new to the Forum. Retired university professor, camera collector and photographer, minor fountain pen collector. I learned cursive handwriting under the Palmer method many years ago, and interested in improving my handwriting using my pen collection.
  12. Hello All: I am new to the fountain pen world, and have quickly ramped up my collection over the last year. I began with new pens, then discovered the joys (and sorrows) of vintage pen collecting. I've gotten some amazing deals and have been quite happy with my progress. I particularly love my numerous Esterbrooks with various nibs, a lovely little Arnold, Parkette, and several Sheaffer Lifetime Balance pens (all lever filled). As you can see, I don't have super high end pens, nor am I likely to, as I am on a budget. And then...I purchased some amazing pens, for great prices, but I think they will need restoring. All of these pens come from a collection that hasn't been cleaned since the 1990's. I assume they'll need work. But I am guessing the first step is to fill them with water to see if they leak? I've been afraid to touch them. They all LOOK amazing, no scratches that I can see. Someone loved them, collected them, and cared for them, before passing away in 2000 I don't know the first thing about restoration! I could use some help here. What do I need to buy, what's the best way to go about it all? Here are the pens I have purchased that likely need restoring (as well as the price I paid, which, as an aside, I'd like to know how well I may have done). All of the pens apparently "thread okay" Parker 51 ($50) Esterbrook Dollar pen with a 2048 nib ($41) Sheaffer Lifetime 51/2" black barrel with silver cap, gold trim, I think it's a piston filler system? ($79) Vintage Orienta German Matching nib ($14.50) I can include photos if it's helpful. But I wanted to get started with the conversation. Thanks to everyone in advance for the help.
  13. I am about to make my first gold nib purchase and I'm unsure about which nib I should get. I am a lefty, over writer without a hook. I turn my paper/journal at a 45 degree counter clockwise angle when I write, so I write away from my body. I will be purchasing a Santini pen, I enjoy using the Pilot Metropolitan Cursive Medium and would like a similar, if not more refined writing experience. My choices are Italic, Left Oblique or Reverse Oblique. They also offer a 0.9mm Italic nib as an option to their 1.1 Italic. Any insight would be appreciated, I've had a recent bad experience with a TWSBI Precision Stub pen which I had to pass on to my wife as it proved to be unusable in my hands. I'd like to think it's a one off experience being a lefty, but I do not want to risk a similar experience.
  14. Cbear

    I have no idea!

    Hello, I’ve started journaling and have got myself a nice notebook, my husband bought me a v pilot cheapie for Christmas but I’d like something nicer and that I will use for years to come... the problem being I have no idea about fountain pens, I dipped my toes into researching but be quickly overwhelmed. I am hoping to gain more knowledge and suggestions, if I put my requirements, is this the right place to ask? • my budget it £100 all in and needs to include nibs/inks • I won’t be taking it out and about but will use it most days for jotting lists and writing my diary. • I think I would like a medium nib? And to use ink cartridges. • how it looks is important, i’m quite young and trendy! Don’t like silver but do like warm metals • i’m female and have small hands - I have no idea if this makes a difference? I tried the Wordsworth & black Erudite which I liked how it looked but it didn’t flow very well even after I flushed it out. Any pearls of wisdom or suggestions will be gratefully received, thank you in advice.
  15. Hello, everyone! I got hooked on fountain pens when I went to a pen show with the intention to look for good notebooks for bullet journaling. Well, before the first day was done, I had two FPs, two inks, and a lot of advice to absorb! I ended the show with one more pen (all Pilots: two Kaküno and a Metropolitan) and two more inks. Soon I combed local shops and ended up with a wonky-nibbed Lamy Al-Star and a non-working vintage Sheaffer. Since that fateful first week, I have attended a local meet-up where I was given a cheap but pretty Jinhao. Lots of future friends there, I hope. I also went to Anderson Pens in Appleton Wisconsin, where a very nice man took my Sheaffer to restore it to operational capacity (oh my gosh I love writing with it!). I also got my first ink samples and a couple more full bottles. Also some maintenance gear. My kit is rather impressive for a newbie; I just hate that its in a pink case. But it fits everything, so I deal with the bubblegum color. I adore beautiful inks, my ink wishlist is far bigger than my pen list. Because of that I think I need a glass dip pen for testing out those inks. I will also be thinking of what next-level pen to save up for, because the next St Louis Pen Show will also fall on my fifth wedding anniversary! Hubby will buy me a pen without attending, I expect. Thanks for letting me be a part of this community! I cant wait to learn from all of you!
  16. myfpstory

    Hello From 1 Yr Newbie Addict

    Quickest way to introduce and get someone hook on fountain pens? Take them to a pen show, and the biggest one to boot too! 😅 Hello! My first encounter was at the 2018 DC pen show where I was introduced to many beautiful pens! From then on, I was hooked! One year later, I have my own collection of inks and fountain pens. Lol. And I'm still trying to learn all about it! Love this forum, so decided to join and say hello!
  17. RayTheron

    Hi From Oz!

    Hi everyone, from Blacktown, on the western outskirts of Sydney. I'm originally from South Africa, and have only recently renewed my love affair with fountain pens. To date my tiny collection contains an antique Hifra that I used at school in the late 60s, a Parker Vector I acquired in the 90s after my Parker 51 was stolen, a Manuscript and a Lamy Safari clear. I have recently bought three Jinhoa pens -- an X450, X750 and a 911 (the latter is an amazing pen!). I also own a pen I cannot find any info on. It is a steel pen; the box says Made in Taiwan and it has Indigo inscribed on the lower end of the barrel, just above the section. The nib is German, it claims, and is inscribed "Iridium Tip", and is a medium. I'm very happy to be part of this community, and look forward to learning a lot from all the experts!
  18. Chiming in on the gratitude for this amazing font of information and camaraderie. My addiction began when I was left (inherited) a Waterman and several other pens I haven't yet explored. Very aware of how much a beginner I am. Have purchased several Pilot Metro.'s for carrying with me/everyday, a Twisbi classic-fine for journaling (who knew I'd like writing with a square pen?) and then the Waterman which I guess is no longer sold - med. nib writes like a dream but too inky. I seem to drool over the $300+ pens consistantly, before knowing their price! Baby steps...I'm attracted to the Platinum3776. Seems a less expensive way to check out gold nibs. In any case, writing is my life and this pen addiction has only made me all the more fiendish about it! Is it a serious addiction when I lose hours just looking at all the pens online and watching videos about them? How about when I ask people what kind of pen they use and, have they ever tried a fountain pen? (a typical answer btw is, "only when I was a kid in catholic school.") A final symptom? Trying to identify which fountain pen is being used in the period films and series I watch (i.e. Downton Abbey, etc.). Thank you for being here one and all! Em
  19. Greetings, I have been using and collecting fountain pens for just over two years, and have recently opened the can of worms that is vintage pen restoration. When searching for how-to and repair information this community, in particular the Repair Q&A forum, frequently pops up with excellent information, so I thought it would be advisable to join up. I am still very much a newbie to this esoteric and sublime hobby, and am looking forward to learning all the things I can. My favorite pens, at least this week, include a Pilot Custom 823 (F), Pilot Custom 912 (SF), and a golden pearl Parker Vacumatic (Stub). I am also aware that there is a PDX Pen Club in town, and am part of the Yahoo group, but with a very young toddler at home I am just enjoying the email content until the kiddo is a bit older and I can take just a little bit of my weekend back. Cheers! Brian
  20. Hi all, Long time lurker, finally decided to pop my forum cherry, so to speak. I currently own a couple camlin Trinitys and a Parker frontier. I've ordered the Gama Popular and a few inks from penhouse. I've unfortunately made a typo with my flag. It's supposed to be India, not Indonesia. And I'm unable to change it. Is there any way I can? T_T
  21. Alex-Brush

    Whats Up! Im Sumgai Alex

    Hey everyone! Im Alex! I am very new to this site and I made my first post a couple days ago! I lots of great feedback from this amazing community! A little bit about me, my name is Alex and I live in New York City. I am very new to the fountain pen world as I got my first 2 fountain pens, a Pelikan m800 and a Mont Blanc no. 32, right before Thanksgiving. I only got them because I got a box of assorted pens for $1 at a yardsale and I guess I hit the jackpot. I made a post recently because after buying starter pens, I noticed thaty they write much better than the other two do. I am going to have the pens looked at by the staff of the Fountain Pen Hospital soon! I just have one quick question about this site: When I try to edit a post I have made or try to change my name it says I need 5 more approved posts. What is that? Nice to meet you all! Alex
  22. Hi,all My son-in-law uses fountain pens so I decided that a pen would make a nice birthday or Christmas present. I played with using a fountain pen in high school (a million years ago) and did some calligraphy in my 30s. I am a lefty, so I used a left-handed Osmiroid calligraphy pen. Recently I bought a Pilot Metro Retro and Im enjoying using it.. I know my SIL would love having a vintage pen, so I looked some on EBay and that generated questions cause I really didnt understand the terminology, and somehow I got to FPN. To make a long story a little but shorter, Ive been on my computer looking and lurking for the last three days! I think Im In trouble! I would like to do some pen sketching so I ordered a bottle of Noodlers ink that will come with a Platinum Preppy pen and today I ordered an ONLINE Switch from Goulet Pens. And I dont think my SIL will get either one! Anyway, Hello and Im glad to be here.
  23. tusharrastogi

    Namaste From Delhi

    Good Afternoon, Namaste, Sat Shree Aakaal, Salam Friends, This is Tushar. I hail from the city of Delhi, India. I'm a pen lover. Specially fountain pens. During the childhood days I used to live at Nai Sarak and there I purchased so many fountain pens of all shapes, sizes, materials, ink systems etc. from a small shop near my house. That time they used to be so cheap and inexpensive. But, not even in my dreams I have ever gave it a thought to receive so much technical information regarding FP's. Their costs have sky rocketed and there have been a drastic fall in their usage which really saddens me. The day I browsed this forum and created my account my perspective towards fountain pens have changed entirely. I have started thinking differently and my attitude towards my pens have totally renewed. I've started loving them even more. Thanks to all the senior members of the community for sharing such valuable information. I will surely like to do the reviews of my pens and share it with all of you. Thanks again for everything. Good Day! Cheers!
  24. jacobgmusic

    Noodler's Polar Blue

    Noodler's Polar Blue A Newbie's Perspective In my last review I mentioned that my favorite color is Green. If I had to choose a second favorite color, I would choose blue. I like this blue, yet, I wish it had shading. I really like inks that have nice shading properties. Anyways...
  25. ferociousnpretty

    Hello From Denver, Colorado

    Hello everyone, I recently joined the fountain pen cult community, and have been coming to FPN for information. So, I thought I'd join in, and start interacting! A little bit about me: I have always been into pens and pen colors, looking for the smoothest experience. I have owned every color G2, Sakura, etc. you can think of. Although everything in my work life is digital, I'm still a sucker for the analog style of taking pen to paper. I thought it was time to mature my writing utensils. My journey started with multiple pens from Lamy (Safaris, Al-Stars, and Vistas), a Pilot Metropolitan, and a Noodler's Ahab, as I search for my preferred nib size/feel and ink colors. To me, everything about fountain pens is deliberate and I am thoroughly in love. This is an amazing corner of the inter-webs, with a wealth of information and personality. I can't wait to get more involved. Cheers,FeriociousNPrettyaka Newsha

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