I wanted to start my own thread to share my notebook covers so far they have all been midori style for family and friends. This one is for my daughters friend who liked Anna's notebook so I have made her a passport size notebook. Open book http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7040/13164966935_2fc408cc44_o.jpg IMG_6845_1 by my0771, on Flickr Front http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3679/13164963165_e3a8b66712_o.jpg IMG_6843_1 by my0771, on Flickr This is the cone that covers the knots in the elastic these are made from Aztec silver what ever that is http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3703/13164954815_465073804c_o.jpg IMG_6841_1 by my0771, on Flickr This is a little charm for the end of the page marker http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7229/13164951375_7cd29bc05c_o.jpg IMG_6839_1 by my0771, on Flickr I will add more covers soon Thanks for looking Michael