Hey guys. I have been given money from my father to purchase a pen for my 18th birthday last September; I have a budget of £500 (but I want to save some money so that I can purchase a few inks along with the pen). I have narrowed it down to two pens: Montegrappa Nerouno Linea - Rose GoldOmas Milord I am fond of the black/gold look; I have a watch and ring that are these colours, and I like how my EDC items all complement each other. I love the design of both the Montegrappa and the Omas. One is more exciting, while the other is more conservative. I like that on both pens. With the Montegrappa, however, I don't know how I feel about the 1912 or the aesthetics of the nib. But I love everything else about the pen, so it's making my decision so so so so so very difficult. I am looking for a C/C pen. I know most people would be looking for a piston filling mechanism in this price range, but for some reason, as an 18th, I feel drawn towards a C/C pen. So.. Could anyone give me some pointers on what direction I should go?