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  1. So, I'm going to use the Pilot Metal Falcon as the example for this considering it's by far my favorite fountain pen. About 6 months ago I purchased a used one off of Ebay for 158.00$. They are about 240.00$ brand new. Whoever previously owned the pen either didn't use it very much at all, or they took excellent care of it. If i were to show it to you when it arrived (and even now) and told you I bought it brand new, you would have been lying if you could claim to tell me you knew for a fact it was used (without *extremely thorough* visual evaluation). When I bought this pen there were only 3 colors available but now there are about triple that, so I decided that eventually I want to have one in every color. The thing is, I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, and it's a rather expensive pen especially for myself, and had I purchased the pen brand new and then decided to sell it on Ebay or elsewhere 6 weeks later I wouldn't get anywhere close to the 240$ I would've had to pay for it even if I never even touched it (other than opening it). So, I'm almost wondering why I'm even asking the question considering that the answer seems rather obvious to me, but....... If I want to collect these pens not only as a hobby but as a sort of asset, should I always search high and low for the best price and ***ALWAYS*** buy used fountain pens? Also, if the answer to that question is as obvious as I assume it is, I have an additional question that I could use some advice on: Is there a way to know what a good deal is when buying a used fountain pen? The example pen I used I purchased for ~66% of the price I would have paid had I purchased a brand new one. That sounds like a good deal, but I had absolutely nothing to compare it to as it was literally the only use Pilot Metal Falcon on Ebay at the time. Thanks in advance for any input. =)
  2. PenovertheSword

    Hello And How Do I Help This?!?

    How's it going everyone! MY name is Jon and I just got into fountain pens about 6 months ago. I have always liked writing with rollerballs more, and was curious about fountain pens before deciding to just get a cheap one. So far I have 6 pens: A Lamy Safari Neon Yellow limited edition with a Fine nib A Jinhao x450 Red/Black that leaks from the section and I don't use anymore A Jinhao x750 Shimmer Sands that I absolutely love A Waterman Kultur Demonstrator Fine nib that despite being the hardest starter in the world, is still my favorite A Kaweco Sport Ice Green medium nib and a Noodler's Charlie eyedropper that came with Noodler's Heart of Darkness. I HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM I DO NEED YOUR HELP WITH!!! To all those who purchase/ have purchased expensive fountain pens, how do I justify buying a $400 dollar pen when my most expensive one so far has been a Lamy Safari? How do I justify $400 by itself for a single pen?!? I really want an Omas Ogiva cocktail before they disappear in a few months...
  3. Hello, I'm going to tell *lightly* my experiences with Nakaya and why I would encourage you to NOT buy from them at all. First, some keynotes: I'm from Spain I order to a USA retailer 'cause there's no retailer on Europe, only sellers I paid 1,200 USD for the penNow, on the issues I ran with Nakaya (without the ones I ran with the seller): 5-october-2012, the order is sent to Nakaya 26-march-2013, (five months and three weeks later), Nakaya replies they won't sell me because "English is not my native language" (sic) and that I have to look for a "retailer in my *country*" 27-march-2013, the USA retailer, after my response with a "WTH where they doing all this time" and "this' just sick" and alike is able to make Nakaya to move along with the order on 1st April (bad day). 23-april-2013, (six months and three weeks), I receive my FPN just to discover that the "kimono" (sac) is defective (lost the plastic locker overnight) and the pen had a chip in the lacquer. So, I had to return it. 8-may-2013, the USA retailer get the pen, revise and send it back to Nakaya No information from Nakaya during the following six months (no one knows if they got the pen or if it was lost, no communication whatsoever) 11-november-2013, (one year, one month and one week) the USA retailer tells me they received the pen in the shop. 21-november-2013, I got the pen back to realize that it's a FRANKENPEN. Why do I know this? Because the FPN is engraved and the engravings of the barrel *do NOT* match the ones in the section. So I send it back to the seller with the note: "if you can't fix it I won't wait another five months to discover another issue". They replied directly with a refund so I guess they couldn't fix it there.Conclusions (apart from the loses of the seller itself): I had to pay 296,22EUR [401,29USD] in Customs (which now I'm asking to get a refund) I had to pay another 23,17EUR [31,39USD] in Customs because the seller, instead of declaring value ZERO (because it was a defective product) they declared 33USD (now I'm asking for 4th time Customs to return me the ilegal costs) I had to pay two shipments to USA (~40USD) I paid +1,200USD (there were another products) for: 1 shipment of two defective products ("kimono" and FP), 1 shipment of one defective product (frankenpen) and 1 year, 1 month and 2 weeks of wasted time.So, I do truly encourage people to not buy any product from Nakaya, because, apart from denying selling because my native lang is not English, because of the NULL PR, because of the awful QC: The lacquer is, well, lacquer after all. My Kuretake feeling is just exactly the same and it's thousands cheaper. The nib is, well, a modern one and not a good one *at all* The engravings are a masterpiece, no doubt. But for 1,200 USD you can contact any other independent creator to engrave you whatever you want.So, Nakaya has nothing to offer over other creators and much to lose. Sincerely, Franz
  4. I've always been the sort of person who goes for things like the Lamy Safari, Noodler's pens, and heck, even two Platinum Preppies are in my daily use pouch. I can only really afford to get one cheap pen like that per year since I'm a college student living on a low income. But I will be graduating in the next few months, and my family said they'd give me a generous gift of $400 or so. I am very thankful, obviously, and I want to use it wisely. One thing I think I'd really like to get is a wonderful fountain pen. One that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The problem is, how do I choose? There are no pen boutiques near me where I can test them out. I don't even know where to start. Should I get a custom Edison pen? Or many Visconti pens generally have good reviews, should I go with them? Mont Blanc? Vintage or modern? Etc. Basically I have no idea how to make this choice. A lot of pens have glowing reviews, so I can't really just rely on that. And even though I've tried a lot of the cheaper pens, I don't really have a clear vision of what I like. Both thin and thick pens work for me. I like fine nibs and broads ones. Flashy and plain black barrels are both fine for me. I've used heavy pens and light pens and enjoyed them both. Etc. All I know is that I want a nice looking, smooth writing pen. So yeah, any advice on how to choose a great pen?
  5. I may not have been sent on my quest for new pens by God, but I will still purchase them anyway! A throwaway Monty Python reference is always a great way to start off a thread... At the beginning of the school year, I made myself a promise to not buy another pen until 2014 (excluding my birthday and Christmas, of course). Since then, I have saved up money in hopes of pampering myself once I finally reach that time. The pen I originally had in mind (and have been working towards being able to afford) is a Visconti Homo Sapiens. This pen has been on my wish list since I started lurking on FPN in mid-July. The price tag is a hefty $560 from Fountain Pen Hospital (NYC .875% Sales Tax included, since I will be purchasing my pen in person), and I cannot conjure up this money lightly. Therefore, I want to be very careful how I spend it. As I mentioned, I've wanted this pen for a long time. I would consider this a true Grail Pen, save a few Omas and Conway Stewart pens that I am by no means able of acquiring at this moment. If I were to purchase this pen, I would be purchasing something that would be with me for the rest of my life... but there are some issues with that. Around a week ago, I started looking on the Fountain Pen Hospital website for more pens to drool over, an activity that has become a regular pastime This trip down wow-I-want-that lane caused me to think of other ways I could spend that $560. It also stirred up a lot of doubts in my mind. Do I really want a nib spewing ink all over the page? As as student, I have to use crappy paper on a fairly consistent basis. Do I really want to spend all this money on one pen... when I could buy THREE PENS? My friends are d*cks (the missing vowel is not a u), and they take my pens all the time. What if it was damaged? Of course, these thoughts are combated by the Visconti fan-boy inside of me. You're a Junior in High School, you're going to be saving up scratch money for college from this summer on. Are you ever going to put together this much money for a pen in the next 5 years again? This is your only opportunity to buy this for a very long time. Do you really need more pens? They're in a more realistic price range and could be bought easily in the future. Your pen will be made of lava. LAVA! And it's a vacuum filler... and it will last until the sun explodes... and Visconti makes the best nibs you've ever written with... You get where I'm coming from here. And so, as my fingers weaken from typing this novella, and your eyes undoubtedly flutter and become heavy from making it through such an arduous tale (unless you didn't read it all, you cheater ), I must pose the ultimate question that could have easily been asked in 200 words or less... TL;DR VERSION Should I spend my money on my muse, flame, and Grail, the Visconti Homo Sapiens, a pen I will most likely never have the chance to purchase again (until several years from now )? Or should I take a different route and purchase three other pens that would be easily obtainable in the future, but somewhat arguably a better use of the cash? (Note: The other pens I have in mind are the Pelikan M600, the Namiki Falcon, and another Kaweco Sport Classic. These will be complemented nicely by a dash of ink. At the FPH discounted prices, these pens fit the allotted budget I have made for the Homo Sapiens)

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