Hello everyone. I now know the true meaning of flexy nibs thanks to this beautiful Eclipse ring top pen. However, I now know the meaning of bad luck on eBay thanks to the pen's gorgeously flexy but untipped nib. http://24.media.tumblr.com/7379ff6eef17c5b7ae96ac990633ed4e/tumblr_mociyhwUjm1r4c920o3_1280.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/a4605b243a47392841cdd3ea2dfd8cb0/tumblr_mocpxyGdb41r4c920o1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/78bc6250026b622322355161a21bbdb5/tumblr_mociyhwUjm1r4c920o2_1280.jpg Anyone know where I can find a flexy #2 nib for a price less than $30? (I hope that didn't sound like a joke!)