I don't know if this is appropriate place to post this announcement. If this is not, I apologize. Mike It Work/Michael Masuyama will temporary stop taking new nib work orders until farther notice. Please stop sending-in orders until farther notice unless you have already started discussing about it with me over email. I have to take care family matters/business in Japan as my mother passed and that forces me to spend more time other than nib work. It also requires rather frequent trips to Japan for 2016 and it will be significant strain to my already too long backlog. I will work on the pens that I have already in my queue as quickly as possible and also keep my plan to attend few pen shows that I have posted in my email auto-reply. I plan to return to my normal routine sometime later this year. I very much appreciate your support and understanding and I will try to get back to my routine as soon as I can. If any of you can re-post this to other fountain pen internet community that I do not know, that would be helpful. Thank you, Michael & Emiko Masuyama