Ever since I started using them, I've been wondering about the 'matic' in Staedtler Mars Matic 700, but I simply dismissed my curiosity until recently I stumbled upon it's older cousin the Mars 700. As seen here http://robotninjamonsters.blogspot.co.id/2011/07/last-vintage-technical-pen-set.html http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Me9TeyHfGjs/Ti-lcZElL9I/AAAAAAAALLg/JEFQremrM8s/s1600/Comparison%2Bbetween%2BStaedtler%2BMars%2B700%2Band%2BMarsMatic%2B700%2B035%2Btechnical%2Bpens%2Bdisassembled.jpg Aside from the looks, and a different design of the feed/screws on the nib of the pen I don't see any difference. I don't own the non-matic version, so I don't know about the internal mechanisms, but I'm struggling to see how can the needle and weight mechanism be upgraded to become "matic". From what I can see, the only differences are: non-matic grooved gripsmooth bodydenser feed/screwsMatic square-dotted griptextured bodywider feed/screws I guess the design of the feed is critical in making it matic? Or is is just some fancy marketing stuff to make thhe pen sounds more advanced than it really is? If not, then what does it actually mean by matic?