The Namiki Emperor Mandarin Duck is an ode to love. It is adorned with a couple of Mandarin Ducks lovingly and peacefully swimming on a pond bordered with reeds and flowers, in a decor of colorful maple leaves. Mandarin Ducks are the only duck species that mate for life. Once they find a partner, they remain a couple until their death. If one dies, the other one often disappears soon after. In Asia, they are a symbol of love, fidelity, and marital happiness. In Japan, they are a lucky charm and often gifted as a wedding present. Namiki released The Emperor Mandarin Duck in 2007. It is kept a secret how many pieces are made since then. Namiki decided to end the theme with the mandarin ducks. This Namiki Emperor Mandarin Duck is the very last in Europe. This is the last chance to buy this beautiful Mandarin Duck! Check out the website for more pictures. In real life, it is even more stunning.