Hi, Admin I hope you do not mind this post. Delete or move if required. A Waterman 512V, boxed with papers, I was returning to someone via the Post Offices Recorded Signed For 1st Class service has been 'lost' in the postal service. It was very well packaged, double addressed and with return address label also. Inside was a copy of the ebay receipt which also contained both my and the receivers email addresses. So there was/is ample information for Royal Mail to contact either party. Hence I have placed the '' around loss. The pen cannot be used and is in need of professional repair (new sac and lever). I have emailed most of the UK's recognised repairers. The pen is a pink, striated, model but it is clearly recognisable by the name J. S. COOKS engraved on the barrel. A picture is attached to assist. Please, if you do see it in person or on an auction site contact me through FPN Many thanksForce