During the course of writing French, I realised that I hate the cursive letter z. Not the capital, but the lowercase. It's the bane of my writing. In an otherwise okay-looking sea of letters, my z sits there awkwardly like a slightly overweight and tall child who always catches ball with his face (we all know that kid in the class. I was him). As those who have taken French or speak it may very well know, the letter z appears everywhere in French. Not so much in English. I am seriously considering using tutoyer for the rest of my life at the risk of being rude to everybody. (Okay, clearly this is unrealistic. But still, I hate z's that much.) Do you have such a letter, that you just can't get right, no matter how much you seem to practise? I've managed to overcome my fear of Ts, but z's seem to defeat me at every turn.