I bought a Kaweco AL Sport Fountain Pen - Fine Nib - Raw Aluminum Body (KAWECO 10000628) from Jet Pens online in February. I've been using it with the Kaweco squeeze bladder filled with Noodler's Black Ink. The second time I tried to reopen the pen to refill it, I was unable to unscrew the body. A repair shop couldn't do it. A friend managed to pull out the nib section, which had separated from the bladder. The bladder is still stuck in the pen and I fear it has leaked and jammed up the works.
Jet Pens won't help me, saying it's outside the return policy. Kaweco hasn't responded.
I need some advice as to how to get it repaired. Note that I have weak hands and fumble with trying to take pens apart.
I'm in Connecticut. Could you kindly let me know where I should get it repaired? Thanks so much.