Hello everyone, new poster here, purchased myself a Lamy CP1 a short while ago with Diamine Red Dragon for redlines at work. Since buying this setup I have fallen in love with fountain pens and hand writing. I went further and purchased a 1.1mm italic nib and Diamine Majestic Blue ink. I am completely torn between the 2 inks and it is way too inconvenient to go through the process of cleaning out the pens just to change ink colours. So I purchased a Jinhao 126 from a local shop. I don't like the look of the nib and was wondering about replacing it for a 1.1mm nib. I have found no information on this pen and switching nibs, and was told I can, cant, and can but only with expensive nibs, replace the nib. The nib's come off like a fountain pen would, I was wondering if someone could identify the type of nib I need to pick up which would fit the pen. If anyone has any idea what kind of nib would be compatible I would appreciate it Please see picture below.