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Found 10 results

  1. I just stopped at a garage sale looking for a couple outdoor chairs and to see if there were any pens. There were not, but... the sale is from people who had owned a pack and ship store. They have these post box units, with keys, seven in all. They want them gone. "Make me an offer," they say... I think they would be great for inks, out-of-service pens, etc. I could choose as many sections as I wish. I've looked online and such things are pricey, but they want to be rid of them. They are warm metal. Getting ready to return with spouse and tape measure. Not sure if this is impulsive in the grand sense, as I have thought about this before, but I certainly didn't plan on doing anything like this NOW! Gulp.
  2. Here is a cabinet that I just finished building. It is specifically designed to hold all of my fountain pens and ink and give me room to grow. The cabinet is made from solid walnut and the doors have a bookmatched walnut burl veneer pattern on them. I designed and built this cabinet from scratch. The doors have pen racks on them that will hold up to 27 pens (if I put only the pens I really like in my collection in there I have room for about 18 more ). They racks are also walnut and have goat suede on the bottom of them so my pens have a comfy resting place. I contemplated building risers for the middle 2 shelves so I could stack my ink 2 high, but it looks like I will need more ink before that becomes a need. The cabinet itself is not really that large. It is 11 inches deep, about 21 inches wide, and about 32 inches tall. You may also notice that the last picture shows where it hangs in my house... the deepest darkest corner of my basement. So why am I posting it here? Truth is, I would like to build a couple more (it was pretty fun and I have ideas on things I would do different next time) so if anyone is interested I would be up for a commission or 2. Pricing will be 100% based on the specifics of what you want. If anyone is interested please send me a PM and we can talk more. I would love to hear what everyone thinks both good and bad.
  3. Saw this at a local Michael's store earlier this week. Looks like a great way to store inks. http://www.michaels.com/rtf-wood-soda-crate-by-artminds/10280266.html Details: Unfinished18.25" x 12.625" x 4.875"24 slotsRigid Thermofoil
  4. fountainpenlady

    Where's Your Ink Kept?

    I can't believe how short a time it has taken for me to replenish my ink supply. Mainly, due to the smaller size of Iroshizuku now being available. Now, have a nice growing supply of inks, several empty Goulet Pen Company vials. Question, where do you keep your inks? Nib tuning supplies? Empty Goulet Pen Company vials? So far, I have tried a plastic carriers, used for hobbiest; blue top, flaps on each side, carry handle on top. A smaller square one, clear top, rectangle flap which secures down on each end and carry handle. I don't cary my supply or inks outside, so mainly use them at home, where do you keep your inks? Where are your inks sitting right now, or when you decide to load your pens? If you have way more than one, less than a stationary store, how do you manage them in terms of space, until are ready to use?
  5. Here's another item of potential interest from the wonderful world of crowdfunding: Ultimate Paint Rack This item is created primarily for gaming hobbyists who paint miniatures -- but it occurs to me there's no reason it couldn't be used to store lots of bottles of ink, for those of you who have them. I don't know that there's a lot of need to carry ink collections around, but I for one love to keep things like that organized and tidy. I've asked the creators for more information on measurements. Right now it looks to me like the individual tiers are about 4 cm/1.5 in wide. That's wide enough to store most of the ink bottles I personally have, with the main exception being Private Reserve. I'll post more when I find out. Things to be aware of: 1. This is an IndieGoGo, not a Kickstarter, so things work a little differently. One major difference is that with IGG, your money gets taken immediately, whereas with KS it only gets taken if the project succeeds. But it's a moot point with this project, since it's already reached its funding goal. 2. The project's based in Germany. Prices are in euros, not dollars or pounds. 3. The project's based in Germany, so that entails significant shipping costs for US customers (about 2/3 the cost of the actual unit). They may find a way to reduce that, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Speaking as the guy who's usually on the other end of the equation explaining to customers why the shipping costs are so high, this is just a fact of international life, sadly. 4. The product comes unassembled. They claim assembly is easy, but look at it and make up your own mind. If anyone signs up for this (I haven't made up my mind yet), please let us know what you think once you get it!

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