Hello! I am very happy discovering this group and site of magical things! I just make documentation about ink recipes for writing a post to our common blog - with Illustrators Club from Romania. This summer I coordonated a virtual workshop with ten book-illustrator about drawing/painting/writing with colours and inks obtained from plans. The theme of the workshop was investigating our personal childhood. We named the workshop ”Childhood.Illustrated Fieldwork”. Although the workshop ended in september - and now we prepare an exposition - we decided to repeat this workshop every summer with children and with adults also. Studying and investigating colours and inks of plants, making handmade instruments fro writing was very captivating and it seems endless! If you would like to visit our blog - our recipes, techniques, drawings- you can see here https://www.facebook.com/illustrated.fieldwork?ref=bookmarks http://ro.pinterest.com/childhoodi/ http://illustratedchildhood.wordpress.com/ Hope you will like our works. Thank you for the very good content and very rich information! Szabo Zelmira, book illustrator (...and I share with you a childhood autoportret, I used only plant-juices and home made indian ink)