I've got a couple of nice little vintage pens with flexible nibs, but I've long thought about a big, robust, modern pen with a flex nib. I mean a good one, not some cheesy something with steel or titanium sorta-flex. I know there are a few options. I have pondered. . . custom Edison with modified 14K flex nibGate City Belmont with modified 14K flex nibnew Wahl-Eversharp DECOBANDMy expectation is that the Belmont would be the least costly and not exactly elegant, but perhaps the most dependable, not having a sac or converter. The Wahl-Eversharp, obviously pricey and a thing of beauty to behold, but with a rubber sac that might somewhat limit my ink choices. The Edison, somewhere in between -- and it might be possible to get the nib from Edison for my Glenmont bulb-filler. But how do the nibs compare? Which is going to be the most pleasing to write with? That's the real goal here, after all.