Would a Pilot 78G BB or B be suitable for these hands? If not, could you recommend an alternative in the same price range? I know I've seen it chiefly recommended for Italic hands, but Pickering mentions a Rotring Art pen with a sharpened nib in his exemplar and those seem to be primarily used for Italic penmanship as well. Since the hands don't have massive variations in lineweight, I don't think I'll need it either, though it's possible they're subtle and I just don't yet have the eye to pick up on them. http://www.jp29.org/00cal03.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Bracciolini_-_ita%2C_neli_anni_di_Cristo_MCCCCLXXVI_a_octo_di_marzo_-_540471.jpg