I'm new to the forum and have done my introductions but I'm looking for specific advice here. I have a few questions. Please forgive me if some of this info is already in other posts, but so far I have been unsuccessful in searching. Either I get 0 hits or, for fewer words, I get 5,000 hits!)
1. Is there anywhere you go for instructions or tutorials on basic fountain pen repair or refurbishment? It could be an online seller who has good tutorials, youtube channels, bloggers, etc.
2. What tools are basic necessities for simple stuff like replacing an ink bladder? Nothing super specialized or for more advanced operations.
3. Who has the most beginner friendly website in terms of locating what you need to get in parts or tools? Good descriptions, good search function for know-nothings (can't find a tool or part if I don't know it's name!), reasonable cost.
Right now I just have an Osmiroid 54 lever fill made in England that I need to put a new ink bladder into.
Thanks for your opinions!