A very unusual looking ink, hovering between dull purple and brown/grey/black. It's quite a neutral colour. The writing experience is quite pleasant.
Ink is wet and lubricated and fast drying. I won't recommend this ink for a very wet pen, though.
Ink is fast drying. There might be ghosting with a wet/ wide nib like most bulletproof nibs.
Rinsing is easy. However, the pink/ red component might stick around a bit like most pink/red inks (bulletproof or not) But overall it is much more easier that Sailor Jentle Grenade or Herbin Rose Cyclamen or Sheaffer Skrip red.
Ink's title is a cautionary tale of these times of division we live in and is inspired by Sam Houston and Abraham Lincoln, which I "assume" was take from the New Testament.
Most writing are done with a Kanwrite Ultra flex, a wet pen.
TR 68 gr
HP 32 Paper
Ink comparaion
This text is on TR 68 gr, written with a #6 fude nib (text is from the Song of Songs, translated by Chana and Ariel Bloch)
A sketch with an Ef nib...
Water test - Left side was under running water....Note how red and blue separate....
Ink wash on MIdori water colour paper