Hello FPN Friends, I most regularly see some stunning inks with a high saturation here. I am trying to make a topic where there is an overview of such inks with a scanned picture or photo. Some Ideas to add to you ink pictures Brand name /series and ink namebehaviour (just a few words)Safety.... Some inks seem to clogg pens or even kill them.(Your advice on this)Fountain Pen maintenance when using this inkmaybe a comparison to another inkyour judgmentOf course not all above mentiond points are obligatory but the Ink name may come in handy Example http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/Morbus_Curiositas/De%20Atramentis%20Wilhelm%202/Scan_Pic0007%20fpn_zpsyykperfj.jpg http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/Morbus_Curiositas/Waterman%20Havana/Havana%20WH2%20vomit%20comparison_zpsg1qlvgiq.jpg Judgement. Highly saturated deep red brown ink quickly drying.... Love the Colour.... This was just an example but feel free to be creative.... And of course it should not take a whole day's work.... My tip if you already have a review of a pigmented or highly saturated ink.... Simply copy/paste a picture taken from that review here.. regards Peter