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Found 3 results

  1. I just received a Hero 359 (Safari clone) in the mail today and, after some writing, I decided to throw a Lamy 1.1 nib onto the thing...unfortunately the Hero's nib seemed to be glued in place. It took quite a bit of work to get the stupid thing off, and when I did the Lamy nib did not seem to fit the feed. Being an enterprising guy I decided to file down the shoulders on the feed so that my nib would fit. Long story short, the feed did not cooperate and in a dremel rage I carved that thing up. I was pretty upset by this, as I was under the impression that Hero 359 nibs came off as easily as Lamy nibs, and that the two were interchangeable. I wonder if the good folks over at Hero have made some adjustments, or if I just happened to get an oddball Hero 359. In any event, I am on the hunt for a feed to fit a Hero 359. Now, I know that I could just buy a new Hero, but I dislike having perfectly good pen bodies sitting around doing nothing. I thought that I saw a listing on eBay for some feeds, but I can no longer find it (and it's entirely possible that these were actually Jinhao feeds). I have put an add up on the classifieds here, but I am not holding out much hope. If anyone has any insight into the interchangeability of the Hero 359 with the Lamy Safari, I would appreciate the info. Also, if anyone can point me in the right direction as far as Hero 359 feeds go I would be eternally grateful.
  2. Dear FPN friends. Thanks to FPN and my Fountain Pen hero SBRE Brown I have discovered some nice looking pens from the Empire of the Middle. You all might know them. Jinhao, Hero, Kaigelu etc.etc. Of course these pens are no competion for i.e. Pelikan, Mont Blanc, edison etc, when it comes to Charima. And I guess also in quality there of course is a difference. I Love my m800 it is excellent and of cours I pay extra for the charisma. I believe though that the cheaper pens like the Lamy Safari and cheaper Kaweco must feel the competition. I have a Lamy Joy and a Lamy Vista. They write well and the vista is kind of nice but nothing special (the looks of it) In Europe they cost about 15-18. For that money one could also buy a nice Chinese pen. There is the Hero 359 a steal of of the Lamy 359... Nothing special ordinary plastic. Both the Hero and the Lamy... But the Lamy writes well. The hero costs $15 (12) at I sell pens.... For that difference you better buy the original. But how about a Jinhhao x450 or 159 or a Kaigelu 316. Htey sell for less or just a bit more.... But they look much more beautiful and more valuable than a Safari.... According to several reviews they wirtie quite well too... So I guess if i want to spend say $25, I go for some Chinese (no chop sticks:-) Nice pens to buy in between when your saving money for an expensive "dream" must have Fountain Pen.... For the price and the looks that must be a better deal fo the money I guess. And some how in the course of time Lamy or other Western penmakers must feel the competition for their cheaper pens I guess. Don't understand me wrong I lke the Lamy Vista and I love the Lamy Joy, and of course there are the loyal Lamy etc. fans.... but stilll... I would like to know your thoughts on this subject Regards, Peter
  3. Continuing with our blue-black mania, Dr. Inkenstein reviews two new blue-black inks, and casually tosses in a third for contrasts sake. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3822/11862694625_f028e54729_z.jpg The Chesterfield Night Sapphire, we are told, is made by Diamine. There is a rumor going around that every ink on the planet is actually made by Diamine, but we can neither confirm nor deny. Fountain pen forum consensus says Night Sapphire is really Diamine Blue-Black. In pursuit of Ink Truthiness, Dr. Inkenstein will one day have to attain a DBB sample, and test them side-by side. Just not today. NS shows the teal undertones we are craving, and comes VERY close in color, hue, and intensity to the far-more-expensive Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo (coming up in a casual review of the Pilot Metropolitan). The Hero ink was a pleasant surprise. Less green than the Night Sapphire, it is still a shade-y, flow-y blue-black that does not cost a fortune. Six of these carts came packed in with my first Hero Summer Colors. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to get more. Probably fleabay. Ink and pen are made for one another, and I find myself grabbing it all the time to make quick notes or write letters. Diamine Denim is loaded in one of Dr. Is pens at all times, in this case, a Platinum Preppy. Theres little shading, but great flow, and the color is a suave, understated, medium denim. It leans more gray than either Night Sapphire or Hero, but if you are obssssessssssed, I mean, INTERESTED, in blue-blacks, you need all sorts of hues. Coming soon to a blog near you: Pilot Metropolitan teamed with Tsuki-yo; and Fat Nib Shootout.

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