I have found a Freeosk, or free kiosk in the produce area of Walmart, and they are also in Sams Clubs. You either need an app on your phone, or you can get a code that you type in every time. The samples vary from food to non-food. One day I saw the sample was for Bic pens, but all the samples were gone. It was the first time I had ever seen it empty. I got an email announcing the next free sample plus the dates it would be there. Today I went in and got a free Bic Gelocity Pen in purple. They are marketed as fast drying. URL=https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/uploads/imgs/fpn_1563057416__e4a749a8-4939-4aa9-86a5-23135a700106.jpeg][/url] I find the Freeosk app is best at quickly scanning to get the free samples.