I'm looking for a bright and saturated medium/ royal blue. Something like Noodler's Baystate Blue or Parker Penman Sapphire. I found Pilot Iroshizuku Asa-Gao. From the pictures I've seen online, Asa-Gao is either bright and vibrant blue, light purple or light (definitely not vibrant) blue. If you have used it, what colour is it? Or what colour is it on different papers/ inks? Pictures from the internet: vibrant medium blue: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cmHjilyUSw4/UAm8hlmA8FI/AAAAAAAACO0/3afleivbjuM/s1600/AsaGao3.JPG light blue http://www.gouletpens.com/v/vspfiles/photos/PN69203-2.jpg light purple http://static.jetpens.com/images/a/000/042/42848.jpg thanks