I have a question for those more knowledgeable about inks than I. I just got a nice Targa brushed stainless with a gold nib (seems to be a bold). With it came a maroon box of five Jet Black cartridges. (I describe the packaging to possibly estimate the age of the cartridges; it appears the new Sheaffer nib packaging is a hang card with the black-and-red logo.) For the most part, the pen is performing well, but at times it appears the nib gets starved. Could this be because the cartridges are old and partially evaporated, making the ink more viscous? Or is this typical of a broad inlaid nib? I read somewhere here on FPN that feeds in many pen modelss are all the same; that is, they're not calibrated to accommodate the different demands of an XF compared to a BB nib. I have a Sheaffer converter on the way. James