Hi all, As the title suggests, I have a blue Sapphire Edson in my collection. Only thing is, I'm afraid to take it to places other than my home to write - such as cafes and bars - for fear of it getting damaged; more in transit than when at the venue itself. This makes me silly, in my own opinion, for having one! I had a great suggestion from RMN, and I had thought of it myself, of a cigar tube. I will check this out later. Currently I have a 3 pen Franklin-Christoph case as my carry-around, but that has too much space at the side for things to get at the pen etc... plus, I keep some other pens in there. Now, I put a thread in Pen and other Para but I thought it might get more traction here amongst the Edson heads! Basically, I want something compact and protective that doesn't have much wiggle/rattle room for Ed. Also...PLEASE just post a pic, as it might be interesting anyway to see the various cases/methods and what not!!! Thanks all you FPeers