A while back I had seen the journals folks were making on here so I decided to make my own and that turned out pretty well. However now I see the Midori style notebooks that people are making and now I can't resist having one. I want to attempt to make my own though as I always like to try to learn new things and make anything i can on my own as it is more rewarding and feels more personal. I have spent the majority of the day looking up places to get leather for this project but there are so many places and so many types of leather that I figured it might be easier to ask advice from someone that has already made their own. From what I found the Midori Travelers Notebook uses 2.5mm thick leather or 5/6oz. That is all I really have to go of though, so I am hoping someone could let me know where they bought their leather if they made one and what leather to buy. I am on a budget since I went back to school for an IT degree and it doesn't let me work many hours, which is another reason I am trying to make my own as a Midoris notebook cost $40+ and that just is not justifiable to me on my budget. Thanks!