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Found 6 results

  1. penmaster6969

    Help! I dropped the pen

    I've seen some people dropped their pen nib first, with the nib pointing down. So, does dropping the pen with nib first but on its side damages it? I was holding the pen in writing position (45°, triangular grip), then the pen slipped out of my hand (about 1" [inch] high). The nib fell onto the book laterally (on its side). This is my GRAIL pen, so I am quite emotional to determine if there's some damage--hence, I'm am not sure if the writing of the pen change--I dont have a loupe to check it out. But as far as I evaluation, there is no remarkable changes in writing of the pen. So do you think I should send the pen to a nibmeister or not? Thank you. Here are some pictures I took:
  2. chewytulip

    Ink Splash Fever

    Do you have Ink Splash Fever? Do you find yourself with a half-syringe full of diluted ink, completely unable to send it down the drain? And instead, splatter it onto some paper? Or maybe you keep a paper towel handy while cleaning your pens...and once it's covered in ink it looks kind of beautiful. Maybe you do something else a bit abstract with your fountain pen inks - like make little puddles of ink to ogle? Please snap a photo and share with your fellow ink-o-philes. All splishes, splashes, dribs, drabs, drips, drops, splatters, puddles, smears, fingerprints, and other inky messes are welcome! Here, diluted Noodler's Sunrise frolics with some drips of diluted Noodler's Dragon's Napalm. I smeared some of the Sunrise around with a cotton swab I had previously used to clean up some ink, which made a pretty nice green on the paper!
  3. I frequently drop my mechanical pencils and my rotring 600 just died a few days ago from a severly bent sleeve. Is the rotring rapid pro with the retractable sleeve safe against drops? If not, could anyone please suggest a mechanical pencil that is heavy enough but safe against drops?
  4. _Stormin_

    Lamy 2000 Drop

    Can't get the pictures to post for some reason, but during a ill advised moment allowing someone to use my Lamy 2000, it was dropped. I pretty much never let anyone use my pens, but for some odd reason I said sure and let them write with it. Nib down onto tile from standing height, and the nib that was an "A" now looks a lot like an upside down "L" bent right over the feed. So, now I ask for a suggestion of whom I should ship it off to so that it can be repaired? I had been debating getting it ground to a cursive italic, so I will probably have that done at the same time. If it matters, I live in Virginia, but I am not really worried about distance if I can be confident that it will come back writing "better than new." Turn around time isn't critical either. Done right the first time is more important than a speedy return for a pen that will be round tripped because of a need for a rework. Thanks in advance for any help. I will get pictures of the travesty up when I can.
  5. armoguy

    I Hurt My Lamy 2000

    I recently bought a new Lamy 2000. A couple days after using it, I dropped it by accident and it fell on its nib. Now, there is a small split and I cannot write with it. What can I do? If I send it to Lamy, will they fix it, or does this count as abuse?
  6. Guest

    Ink Drop Exchange

    This thread is for GouletPens.com Ink Drop subscribers to exchange inks between themselves. I dip tested all 5 of the Chocolates from this month and ended up liking the Diamine Rustic Brown and have used most of it so I am keeping it but the other four are full since I only dipped a clean pen into each to try a few sentences. The four available are: Noodler's Polar Brown, Pilot Iroshizuko Ina-Ho, Pelikan Brown, and Pelican Absolute Brown. What I am interested in is: Blacks, Blues, Purples, Reds, and Diamine Rustic Brown. If you have a full bottle of Diamine Rustic Brown and could part with a couple sample size goulet vials worth or even the entire bottle if you bought it and don't like it and would be interested in trading that for the four samples that would be preferred.

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