I want to repair a Czar Nicolai (Montblanc), the 144 version with converter. The issue is that it writes - almost excessively wetly - then slowly dries out to a complete stop. I've tried cleaning, soaking, wet inks, dry inks, a different converter and even shimming. Is there anything else I should try before resorting to MB to replace the feed and possibly the nib also and /or section? I have a feeling that it's a faulty section but can't figure out why it can run so wet and suddenly dry up. It's not ink tension in the converter. I suspect that the little section that goes up into the converter has a hole that is a touch too small to allow proper ink flow. Anyways, I hope someone can advise as returning to MB for adjustment usually means simply replacing all the parts with new and the nib has a nice bounce so I don't especially want that replaced with a new, firm 144 nib.