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  1. Hiya, I am looking for a warm-toned brown ink (somewhere around diamine ancient copper. i just dont want it to be gray-ish). By decent water resistence i mean that it stays readable. I am open to ink recepies, however, i would prefer getting one that's store-ready. Feel free to list multiple, it is greatly apprecieated. Preferably no sheen, shading is awesome, but not required. Fyi I use Leuchtturm and Clairefontaine paper, no need for it to be printer paper friendly. Thank you in advance! I hope yall have a great day :D
  2. Calamus Antik Braun This ink in to celebrate the 22ND anniversary of Aratrum, the distributor of many fountain pen brands in Europe. They also have their very design fountain pen /pen / pencil. There are three inks in the line-up, antique brown/red and green as of October 2024. I bought my sample from fountainfeder. Beautiful reddish/pink brown when smudged, very wet, lubricated, with lovely shading, depending on the wetness of the pen and nib size the ink. The wetter your pen the darker it becomes, and the shading disappears. I prefer my brown dark, murky with little red. Not suitable for thin copy paper, as it becomes Halloween fest with all types of ghosts and bleed through. though it handles my cheap paper shopping list very well. Ink is slightly water resistant, however, it spread and seeps into the back of paper and makes a mess. It has a very complex Chroma: Writing Samples: Copy paper: Photo: Comparison: I'll be doing several brown ink reviews. Note the colour in the swatch doesn't reflect the ink. Water test: Left side 10 seconds under running water. Note how the water brings out the burgundy Art Work: Drive - Ridge (Thelma and Louise) Part of Inktober 2024 challenge: Inspired by Thelma and Louse 1991. Paper is Canson Mixed media. I used the following fountain pen inks: Calamus Antik Brown Jacques Herbin Turquoise de Perse (diluted) Noodler's Lexington Gray, Octopus Polar Bear White (clouds) Diamine Celdaon Cat (car) · Pens used: Pilot F3A Ef (semi-flex) Lamy (EF/F/M/B/ Stub 1.1) · What I liked: Writing experience, with a wet pen. Easy cleaning, price. · What I did not like: I’m not a fan of reddish brown. · What some might not like: Not good for cheep paper. · Shading: With dry pens yes. · Ghosting: Yes, on cheap paper. · Bleed through: Yes, on cheap paper. · Flow Rate: Wet · Lubrication: Excellant · Nib Dry-out: Did not notice. · Start-up: Ok · Saturation: Dark · Shading Potential: With dry pens yes. · Sheen: No. · Spread / Feathering / Woolly Line: Did not notice. · Nib Creep / “Crud”: Did not notice. · Staining (pen): No. · Clogging: Did not notice. · Cleaning: Very easy. · Water resistance: A bit. · Availability: 30 ml bottles. Please don't hesitate to share your experience, writing samples or any other comments. The more the merrier
  3. I recently purchased my first Sailor pen from Bungubox and it came with a wonderful, pigmented black ink they make with Sailor called “Eternal Music”. I love the flow, water resistance and lack of feathering with this ink but I also like sketching with a brown or sepia ink. This raises two questions for me: 1) Does Sailor make a sepia or brown pigmented ink with some decent water resistance? 2) Will using my current DeAtramentis Document Sepia void the Sailor warranty? I’m less concerned about the second question since it is the Japanese warranty which might be challenging to deal with if there is a problem anyway. However, I am a little concerned because I have read reports of some inks damaging the black ion plating on pens like mine. Thanks for any insights you may have.
  4. Audrey T

    well, now this is unfortunate

    I was excited to try my first two Dominant Industry inks. One is quite nice, if impractical for most writing purposes. It's a somewhat unusual light, powder blue with a (faintly pink) silver shimmer: it's called Snowfield, in the Pearl series. (There's an apparently similar but probably less icy blue, too -- I think it's called Glacier. I don't know how they compare.) The other ink I got was Lungo (Standard line), described as coffee scented, though the smell supposedly dissipates quickly. It's a dry, medium-dark ashy brown, and it smells like pickled coffee. My nostrils are still burning.
  5. This is a review for Kaweco Caramel Brown ink. This is the latest shade of brown from Kaweco. The previous brown was called Earth Brown and it's darker. You might still find some older bottles of Kaweco Earth Brown ink and the older ink boxes are a darker brown colour. You can tell if you have one of the newest bottles because the name of the ink is now printed on the box. It's also on the cartridge packs and Kaweco branding is now on each cartridge. This is a pretty shade of brown ink. It's not too dark, or almost black and I like it for that. However, I found it quite dry in the Kaweco Dia2 pen that I tested it with, despite the fact that I left the cartridge in the pen for a few days to ensure that the feed was saturated enough. It felt dryer to write with than the Midnight Blue and Ruby Red inks that I have already reviewed from Kaweco. You might still find some older bottles of Kaweco Earth brown ink. The inks are a fairly similar colour. This ink isn't waterproof, and it doesn't stain fingers. Kaweco ink is made in Germany. It is available in 30ml bottles or packs containing 6 standard international sized cartridges.
  6. Morbus Curiositas

    Pelikan Edelstein Smoky Quartz

    Pelikan Edelstein Smoky Quartz Back in the days When I attended primary school in Holland in the end of the 70s a Fountain Pen was obligatory. Since I had some troubles with my fine motor skills my parents decided to buy me a Pelikano Fountain Pen which in those days was top of the bill and a serious investment back then. I always remember what I loved most about that pen. It not only had a nice blue colour, but I really loved the blue ink window. I thought it resembled the blue flashing light on police cars AWESOME Here is a link to the history of the Pelikano Fountain Pen https://www.pelikan.com/pulse/Pulsar/en_US.CMS.displayCMS.220931./the-history-of-the-pelikano-from-1960-until-now School boys fantasies… Maybe it is that boys never grow up or simply that early youth memories impress… But I am still in love with Pelikan and I am now the proud owner of 2 Pelikans, the M800 Green and the M800 Stresemann on the left. My wife was infected with my love for Fountain Pens and is the owner of the M600 and the M400 with 14kt nib on the right Well and since my wife and I both love Birds and Fountain pens we cannot guarantee that these are the last Pelikans that enter our house Before I get to the review I want to let you know that I will enter the links to my previous reviews of Pelikan inks at the bottom of this review Pelikan Edelstein Smoky Quarz Pelikan is famous for it’s 4001 range Which was introduced as in 1901 as an Iron Gall ink. This Iron Gall ink is still available but today there is also a range of Non-IG 4001 inks which all perform well… Just like a good wine ripens and gets better the 4001 Inks still are a joy to use even after 20 years… A thing I pointed out in my comparison of a matured and e brand new bottle of 4001 Royal Blue ink https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/264220-pelikanss-royal-battle-battle-of-the-blue-kings/ In 2011 Pelikan introduced the Edelstein ink Collection. A more exclusive line of fine inks following the trend of i.e. Iroshizuku Graf von Faber-Castell which already brought more high end inks in luxury bottles. https://www.pelikan.com/pulse/Pulsar/en_US.Pelikan.showTimeline.221778./history Well I am glad to tell that Pelikan stayed loyal to his principles. Same as in the 4001-Range where Pelikan brings highest quality at fair prices. It did so in its Edelstein Range… Giving you finest quality combined with refined luxury … at fair prices https://www.lacouronneducomte.nl/webstore/main/inkt-vullingen-merk-c-161.html Well and yes all bottles contain 50 ml. Pelikan Smoky Quartz The Ink The colour is a lovely medium dark brown. Shading is very nice so is the flow. If there is a small minor, it is the drying time: The ink is wet and stays in this condition for 10 seconds. That is a thing you must consider if you’re a left-hand writer. My advice in that case: Bind your Bottom to a drone and hoover over your writings…. This ink worth the extra effort… Even if your texts contains a lot of “Male Cows Feces” (sorry I cannot write BullS..t here), your writing will be beautiful when using this beautiful ink Technical specifications own here are some of the technical specs (as suggested by Ann Finley 2007) (not copied in but for this ink) points 1-5 1 = 5= Fountain Pens: , Kaweco Calligrapy Classic Sport 1,5 Italic, Lamy Safari B nib Paper: Vleveka Classic Line Paper and ordinary copying paper Drying time Slow points 2 Flow: very smooth points: 5 Lubrication: wet points: 5 Feathering : None points 5 Bleeding: nada points 5 Shading: very good points: 4 Waterproof: good points: 3 Package: robust yet elegant points 4 Please have a look at the Water test I tested it with an very wet Q-tipp and look at the result. Still very legible. Maybe it does not survive a wet monsoon… but hey it s not a Document ink. So I will call it Waterproof Availability This is one of those inks that are even available on the moon. But since it is pretty hard to go to the moon you might consider following adresses La Couronne du Comte I guess Dennis and Rik would even travel to the moon to get it for you (just pay them a million or 2 ) Well it is safe to say that they do almost everything to satisfy their customers… Considering http://www.lacouronneducomte Bankers have Rothshield Ink lovers have the Goulet Pen Company. Rachel and Brian carry the almost* largest assortment of ink on earth an it's near surroundings http://www.gouletpens.com (*almost Dear Amberlea Davis carries the largest assortment in the universe but is not a seller Larry Post of Australia is a Great Supplier of Stationary and Artist Equipments. They carry a lot of De Atramentis Inks http://www.larrypost.com.au/ The same applies to Singapore based Arters of the utterly friendly Yitpeng and WeetekOng http://arters.com.sg Conclusion For me this ink is spot on. The colour is lovely, in fact together with De Atramentis Ebony and Sailor Jentle Brown this Smoky Quartz is belongs to my favorite browns. It is an saturated shading ink that writes very smoothly. Drying time may be a bit long but since I am a right-hand writer this does not bother me much. The Bottle is lovely, it is a bit like yin & yang robust yet elegant. An pleasure to my eye when I visit my Ink Cellar, and so is this ink Links to my reviews of Pelikan inks (work in progress) https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/291420-pimp-my-ink-comparison-pelikan-edelstein-aventurine-vs-pelikan-4001-brilliant-green/ https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/266092-pelikan-4001-brilliant-green/ https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/291416-pelikan-edelstein-aventurine/ https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/264220-pelikanss-royal-battle-battle-of-the-blue-kings/ https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/266286-pelikan-4001-violett-violet/
  7. Dimy

    Taccia Cha Review

    Taccia Cha ink review Disclaimer- First ink review here and would appreciate pointers if I missed something or if there is any information that one needs to know specifically not mentioned here also I lack other browns to compare color big apologies I don't have too many inks. First let me take a moment to address the elephant in the room, box and bottle. Bottle has big mouth for any pens is no issues with filling, but then when ink is low...I don’t know cos I cant see any mechanism to help here..its just a nice bottle. Box is not paper like most inks (not 100% at least) it sure does not feel like one, more durable and stronger with inside fins designed to keep ink from moving around and requires some effort to open as the top acts like a lock (its not hard just not too easy either basically the box does what box should do protect the ink)...not bad considering my waterman came out of box during shipping. I love how they say not to use it for anything other then writing.....makes me want to draw something Taccia Cha is a brown ink with slight hint of redness in it . Its quite nice ink and behaves very nicely on any and all papers that I tried it on. Shading potential though looks a bit questionable in all my test papers but who knows maybe Tomoe river will show some results, but that will have to wait till Christmas not too hopeful here (fingers crossed). Performance is good on absorbent papers and copy papers with all properties being same. Fun fact they draw a tea on cover and its quite accurate one just needs to add ton of tea leaves and burn the tea itself to get this deep brown with reddish hint as per say burnt tea...and I like this..the color not burnt tea . Saturation- good Bleed- none Feathering- none Smudges-none Lubrication-great Ghosting (show-through)- none on most papers apart from cheap guys. Flow- good. Wet/Dry- Its in between wet and dry but tilts slightly to wetter side..nice balance if one asks me. Dry time (approx) - 9-10 sec on 75 GSM copy paper, 11-12 sec on JK cedar 100 GSM paper, 8-9 sec on classmate register (no idea of GSM..I think its 52 from what I remember). I have tried to get as accurate color as I could with pee shooter of phone camera, they are pretty near just color is darker in real by a margin. Water resistance test method was putting drops of water for 30 sec in first sample and 1 min in second sample then wiping with cloth to try to remove the ink. Water resistance is very low (none to be honest). Second test I did not bother as ink wont survive that one (that involves putting ink paper under tap with mug below and letting the ink get dipped in it followed by wiping the paper with cloth to recreate floods or rain case). All in all a very good ink and if you like the color then go for it its great to work with. No water resistance is a bummer but hey Taccia themselves make it clear these are not so no big deal.
  8. Morbus Curiositas

    Visconti Sepia

    Visconti Sepia Visconti is nicely saturate brown ink supplied by Visconti Fountain Pens of Florence Italy. Florence Italy of course is a beautiful city known for it ‘s rich culture fashion and design (forget Nike buy real shoes in Italy) Visconti Sepia ink Visconti Sepia is a well behaving ink. It is a nicely saturated medium dark brown ink. It is a medium shader as well. Drying time is not superfast but with 15 seconds very acceptable. There is only very little show through but feathering and bleeding are absent points 1-5 1 = 5= Fountain Pens: Online best Writer / Online Best Writer 1.8 Italic Nib Paper: Waldmühle Reflex Premium Drying time: acceptable 15 seconds points 3 Flow: very smooth points: 5 Lubrication: smooth in both pens points: 5 Bleeding: absent) Points 5 Shading: medium points: 3 Waterproof: Survives a drop but not a bath points: 3 Package: Nice bottle points: 3 ( see my comment down below) The bottle is beautifully shaped… What else did you expect it is an Italian design from Florence Still I have mixed feelings about it. The design is so very beautiful, but it is made of plastic😒 That to me is kind of a no go. Such a beautiful ink deserves a glass bottle especially when the design is so lovely and Italy is famous for it’s Venetian Glass of Murano https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venetian_glass Tipp for filling your Fountain Pen The Bottle makes it easy to fill your Fountain Pen even when the bottle is nearly empty. There is one aspect to take in consideration though. Because of it’s shape it seems a little top heavy. Since I am quite a clumsy pillock with an unrivalled talent of making a mess (spastic fantastic). I have found a way to safely fill my Fountain Pens. I put the bottle in the cover preventing it fro tupping over (see photo above right) Sit down and enjoy now comes the beauty part This Ink really is a smooth writer Lovely brown with a little reddish brown hue Watertest No problem if you just drop a drop of water on it. Just dry quickly with kitchentowel It is not waterproof though Availability La Couronne du Comte I guess Dennis and Rik would even travel to the moon to get it for you (just pay them a million or 2) Well it is safe to say that they do almost everything to satisfy their customers… Considering http://www.lacouronneducomte Bankers have Rothschild Ink lovers have the Goulet Pen Company. Rachel and Brian carry the almost* largest assortment of ink on earth an it's near surroundings http://www.gouletpens.com (*almost Dear Amberlea Davis carries the largest assortment in the universe but is not a seller Larry Post of Australia is a Great Supplier of Stationary and Artist Equipments. They carry a lot of lovely Inks http://www.larrypost.com.au/ The same applies to Singapore based Arters of the utterly friendly Yitpeng and WeetekOng http://arters.com.sg Conclusion This ink is a lovely well saturate brown. Love the colour and the fact that it is such a smooth writer. The sheening is not strong but it is there. Such a pity that that beautiful bottle is made of plastic. If that beautifully shaped bottle was made of glass it would have been perfect. Of course that must not be Murano glass since that would drive up the price severely. The price now is only € 10, (at LCC) for 60 ml! which is a very very fair price not to say it is a bargain for this lovely brown ink
  9. Hi, The only brown ink rollerball refills I've found are made by Montblanc. Since I can't afford a Montblanc rollerball pen, I was wondering if 1. anyone knows of brown ink refills made by anyone besides Montblanc; or 2. if anyone has personal experience with Montblanc rollerball refills fitting their non-Montblanc rollerball pens. The dimensions listed for Montblanc rollerball refills (brown, medium-point) are "6.1 x 0.4 x 0.4 inches" whereas the dimensions all other rollerball refills made by other brands (Sheaffer, Monteverde, etc) are different. Thanks in advance!
  10. mehandiratta

    Daytone Olive Brown

    Daytone Olive Brown I received few Ink bottles from one of my friend in Indore which are Daytone Inks, manufactured by Daylight industries. They are into ink manufacturing since 1956. More information can be found about the company here: Daytone Webpage Apart from Inks, they manufacture a lot of other stationary items. But this review is about one of the fountain pens inks that they manufacture. The inks that they manufacture ( 15 Nos. – increased from 8 Nos.) are as follows: Blue-Black Emerald Green Brilliant Red Crimson Turquoise Blue Deep Black Royal Blue Bright Violet Havana Brown Mauve Dark Grey Dark Brown Olive Brown Rose Red Yellow Ochre Also, I would like to add that I got these inks from my friend Daman who was kind enough to lend me the additional 7 colors for review. This review is about OLIVE BROWN ink from Daytone. These come in 60 ml plastic bottles and is priced at Rs. 20 Each (Indian Rupees). I hate their ink bottles it is most of the times next to impossible to insert the pen and fill ink in the pen. I have seen that on certain online marketplaces like Amazon, they are selling 1000 ml plastic bottles too. The properties of the ink are similar to Havana Brown though the color is different. The color is exactly like Greenish Brown Olives. To me, it is quite an unusual color it writes brown when wet and dries towards the green olive color. I love the color of the ink but it ain’t that saturated and feels faded. Also, I found out that the ink is more fluidic as in more watery. INK SPLASH Daytone Olive Brown – Ink Splash on JK Cedar 100 gsm The color is exactly like green olives which are like a greenish brown color and it is more towards brown where there is ink pooling. INK DROPS IN WATER Daytone Olive Brown – Ink when dropped in Water Daytone Olive Brown – Color of Water after dropping and stirring ink COLOR MATCH Daytone Olive Brown – Color Range INK SWABS Daytone Olive Brown – Ink swabs with cotton ear buds Daytone Olive Brown – Ink Swab (From top to bottom – 3 swabs, 2 swabs, and 1 swab) WRITING SAMPLES Daytone Olive Brown – Writing Sample on JK Cedar 100 gsm The ink Performs best in Bold and wet medium nibs and looks faded in stub and fine nibs. I believe wetter stub nibs will suit this ink better. Ink also subtle shading. BLOW-UP WRITING SAMPLES Daytone Olive Brown – Blow Up writing Sample – 1 Daytone Olive Brown – Blow Up writing Sample – 2 WATERPROOF TEST Daytone Olive Brown – Waterproof Test (Drip Test on Left and Rub Test on Right) Ink is not at all waterproof or resistant almost everything gets washed out but yes there are still some lines visible. It also fades away if continuously exposed to sunlight for a longer duration. COMPARISON WITH SIMILAR COLORS Daytone Olive Brown vs Daytone Havana Brown vs Sheaffer Skrip Brown vs Waterman Absolute Brown From above samples, it is evident that the green is more towards the green side like green bottled olives which have certain brown tinge. CONCLUSION The color is beautiful. It has no feathering (barring the closeup with medium nib) and has lovely flow. Lubrication is okay. There is not much shading which is visible. Ink drying times are around 12 seconds. Following are the summation of ink properties: Feathering: NoSheen: NoShading: LittleLubrication: ModerateFlow: Very GoodWater Resistance: BadDrying Times: Very GoodNib Creep: NoClogging: NoneOdor: None The ink can be bought from Amazon and Snapdeal. One of the links is given below. LINK 1: AMAZON My other ink reviews can be checked here: link
  11. Following on from my thread announcing the launch of Diamine Shimmertastic inks I am happy to post my reviews of them. This one is Brandy Dazzle This ink is chestnut brown with a great gold sheen My reviews show you my experiences with these inks in several of my pens. I’ve experimented by having these inks in my pens for weeks, and have intermittently written with them to see how they start, and how they write. I must say I’m pleasantly surprised. I’ve experienced no feathering with any of them, and they have all behaved really well for me. Diamine recommend that you gently agitate the bottle to mix the particles through the ink before filling your pen. They also recommend that you gently agitate your pen to mix the particles with the ink in your pen when starting a new writing session. I recommend good FP maintenance when using ink that contains particles. I suggest you clean your pens out a little more frequently than you might do with normal ink. These inks will come in 50ml glass bottles, and they have either gold or silver particles in them.
  12. Chrissy

    Ink Review: Diamine Macassar

    Today I'm reviewing Diamine Macassar A dark brown ink from the standard range. The word ‘macassar’ means a kind of oil that men formerly used on their hair to make it shine and lie flat. Makassar is a spelling variant. Makassar is also a former name of Ujung Pandang, a seaport on SW Sulawesi in central Indonesia. Flow Rate: Very good. Quite wet in the pen & paper combinations I used.Lubrication: Good with the M nib on several different papers, a bit more would have been nice with the Safari F nib.Nib Dry-out: Not noticed.Start-up: Immediate.Saturation: Good.Shading Potential: Some seen with the Safari.Sheen: None seen.Show Through:Tomoe River 68gsm.Cheaper generic 80 & 90gsm printer papers & lined pads.Field NotesTom Bihn LinedWhitelinesSpread / Feathering / Woolly Line: Only a little seen on Field Notes.Nib Creep / “Crud”: Not seen, even after over 1 week in the penStaining (pen): Not seen after several days - easy clean-upStaining (hands): Easy clean-up with bar soap. Two washes required with liquid soap.Clogging: Not seen. Seems unlikely.Water resistance: Quite water resistant, but not sold as waterproof.Availability: Available from Diamine Inks web-site and many other outlets.
  13. Chrissy

    Ink Review: Diamine Warm Brown

    Today I'm reviewing Diamine Warm Brown ink Flow Rate: Good. Feels wetter and looks more saturated in broader nibsLubrication: Good on several different papers.Nib Dry-out: Not noticed.Start-up: Immediate.Saturation: Not a saturated inkShading Potential: Very goodSheen: Not seenShow-Through: Tomoe River 52gsm & 68gsm.Cheaper generic 80gsm printer papers & lined pads.Field Notes​The reverse of the image shows more show-through than is actually present on the paper. Spread / Feathering / Woolly Line: Seen on Field Notes.Nib Creep / “Crud”: Not seen, even after over a week in the penStaining (pen): Not seen - easy clean-upStaining (hands): Not seen - easy clean-upClogging: Not seen. Seems unlikely.Water resistance: Not sold as waterproof, but is water resistant.Availability: Available from Diamine Inks web-site and other outlets.​
  14. I have a couple of brown inks to review that I haven’t used before. This one is Diamine Chocolate Brown This is a dark, rich, brown, like really dark chocolate. I never realised how dark it was. So rich and saturated. Almost a sinfully dark chocolate. I didn’t see much shading until I wrote on more absorbent paper, because it’s such a saturated ink. Then I saw some on one of the papers. It’s a wet ink and took 30 seconds to dry on my thick, coated Xerox paper. I experienced no problems at all while I was writing with it, and found it so smooth and lubricated. It was a pleasure to write with. I saw no skips or hard starts, and it didn't dry out on the nib while I was doing swab tests. It made my dry writing Pelikan F nib write like a M nib. For me it was a very well-behaved ink, as well as being a lovely colour. It only exhibited show through and bleed through on Field Notes paper, but so do most inks. It isn't sold as water resistant, and there was no water resistance at all. I left the water on the test square, and the dots and lines disappeared completely. I can safely say it’s the best brown ink I’ve written with. I have to get myself an 80ml bottle of this one. This isn't sold as a waterproof ink, and shows no water resistance.Bearing in mind the review form paper I use is thick with a shiny surface at 100gsm, and I used a Pelikan F nib plus a Lamy 1.1mm nib, this ink took 30 secs secs to dry using the F nib.No smear after dry.It exhibited very good flow and I found it very smooth to write with. I saw no skips or hard starts while I did swabs and dry time tests.It is currently available in 80ml glass bottles or 30ml plastic bottlesDiamine sell it directly to end-users on their web-site.It's a reasonable price. Blot on kitchen paper Chroma test
  15. Here is Waterman Brown (I hate the name "Absolute Brown"). It's one of my favorite brown inks. It's well behaved, has an attractive and subtle green sheen when it's laid on thick, it's cheap, and it's widely available. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/661/tJhMPS.jpg
  16. I am new to the fountain pen world. I am fond of brown inks and so I bought a Waterman Absolute Brown. But it is not going well with my Platinum Preppys. I have one fine and one medium nib. Both of them are having terrible flows with the Waterman brown ink. Can anyone suggest some other relatively inexpensive fountain pens that will go well with Waterman Absolute Brown??? Thank you in advance. P.S.: Previously I had a Pelikan brown ink. But its performance was terrible in every pen. Later I came to know that it is one of the most dry inks available. Then I bought the Waterman. So I really want it to work. Thanks in advance once again.
  17. Wrathen

    Akkerman #23 Bekakt Haags

    So this is my first ink review and I was mostly spurred to do one because there are very few ink reviews for this ink, which I find wonderful. So I have had this ink for a week and a bit, but it has given me the opportunity to test it a bit in two different pens and so far I can say I LOVE the ink. I have never been a huge brown in fan, but with getting a Pilot Custom 823 in Amber I felt that it would need to at least sometimes be filled with a brown ink "to match" ... DONT shake your head I know you do it too!!!. So while I havent gotten my Pilot 823 back from Dan Smith yet I should have it soon. It was a debating between Montblanc Toffee Brown and the Akkerman Bekakt Haags. While I love Montblanc inks, in the the end I decided that I have 4-5 other Montblanc inks and no Akkerman inks... and to be honest it was the bottle that convinced me (and the stories of good results with Akkerman didnt hurt). Sorry I dont have a scanner or a super nice photo setup (just taken with my iPhone 6s Plus) but I hope you can get a good idea of how nice this ink is. In a few of the close up angle shots I tried to capture some of the shading this ink can do and while they do show some it is better in person. So if your thinking about trying Akkerman for the first time or looking for a great brown ink I can highly recommend both. While this was my first Akkerman ink it will for sure not be my last. I really wanted Shocking Blue but couldnt justify yet another blue ink... but I think it will be in my future too and maybe another bottle as well. http://i.imgur.com/TC5i223.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Q6GENY3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/12bLTZQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TQWTpWn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tvpjbvF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/G76GKRS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QSnxh3p.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AGTKVKA.jpg
  18. Can anyone recommend any saturated inks with good flow? I know mostly inks are either saturated and quite viscous, or very well flowing and much more wishy washy. I'm looking for saturated inks which also have good flow and and relatively easy to clean/ not damaging to fountain pens. The only one that comes close to me is Iroshizuku Take- Sumi, but I'm sure there must be an even darker black ink, which is still well behaved. Any recommendations? If they have good shading even better.
  19. mehandiratta

    Ink Review - Krishna Bronze Leaf

    KRISHNA BRONZE LEAF The review is simultaneously posted at my blog here : LINK In Indian Fountain Pen industry or Circles, Dr. Sreekumar is quite known for his hand-turned fountain pens and almost 20 types of nib tuning. However recently he has shelved in to making fountain pen inks under the brand name of KRISHNA. I am really happy to see someone in India has taken initiative to standup and make good quality and non standard color Inks. These inks are sold for Rs. 100 (1.5 USD) each for 30 ml ink bottle plus shipping. The inks that are being produced are currently limited to 28 nos. : GOLD RUSH MEADOW GREEN BLUE MAGIC AFTER DARK SAPPHIRE BLUE LAKE BLUE BRONZE LEAF ORANGE CRUSH AUTUMN SINDHOOR GLORY VINE DARK ROSE NJAVAL WILD CHERRY PURPLE PEACOCK YELLOW VALLEY MELLOW BLUE VIVID VIOLET ORCHARD LILY DARK CHOCOLATE COOL BREEZE SILENT NIGHT SKY FORGET ME NOT SKY BLUE GHAT GREEN PUMPKIN GIRL PINK Krishna Inks – Color Chart 1 Krishna Inks – Color Chart 2 I would like to thank Dr. Sreekumar for sending me the samples and also for the effort that he has put in. I will be reviewing all one by one. This review is about BRONZE LEAF ink from KRISHNA. And this is absolutely one of the top in my favourite ink category of Krishna Inks. Krishna Ink – Bottle Krishna Ink comes in amber coloured plastic bottles in 30 ml quantity and I have been told that the procurement for better quality plastic bottles or probably glass bottles is already under way. And I believe thats the right direction to move forward. INK SPLASH Krishna Bronze Leaf – Ink Splash on JK Cedar 100 gsm There is no sheen on the ink even if there is any ink pooling DROP ON PAPER NAPKIN Krishna Bronze Leaf – Ink Drop on Paper Towel COLOR MATCH Krishna Bronze Leaf – Color Range WRITING SAMPLES Krishna Ink Bronze Leaf – Writing Sample on JK Cedar 100 gsm Krishna Ink Bronze Leaf – Writing Sample on JK Cedar 100 gsm – Angled View There is a good amount of shading with this ink which I absolutely love about this ink. INK SWABS Krishna Bronze Leaf – Ink Swab on JK Cedar WATERPROOF TEST Krishna Bronze Leaf – Waterproof Test Please ignore the certain black shades of lower part of drip test as there was certain ink spill. Kindly refer upper drip part. As you can see from images from above, ink is not at all waterproof. INK DRYING TIMES Krishna Bronze Leaf – Ink Drying Times BLOW UP WRITING SAMPLES Krishna Bronze Leaf – Blow up Writing Sample on JK Cedar 100 gsm CONCLUSION: I absolutely love this ink. And actually this is the only brown coloured ink produced in India. And I recommend all buyers to use this ink. Following are the summation of ink properties: Feathering : NoSheen : NoShading : YesLubrication : GoodFlow : GoodWater Resistance : BadDrying Times : HighNib Creep : NoClogging : No Ink can be bought from : LINK (Ebay India Store)
  20. This ink makes me go om nom nom. Such a unique shade of brown, fairly (and superficially) comparable to Noodler's Whaleman's Sepia, it's a dusky, ashen brown with a lot of personality. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/901/WPmJjs.jpg
  21. Here's a reddish brown (the only type of brown I really, really like) very similar to Noodler's Beaver, but much better behaved. I think I prefer Noodler's Beaver's color, but this ink is much better all around. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/537/Avxoot.jpg
  22. I am looking for permanent brown inks that offer shading...and are reasonably well behaved and require only regular cleaning to avoid clogging and staining problems. Suggestions?
  23. Has anyone ever tried diluting brown ink with (very filtered) tea ? Right now, I have my Waterman eyedropper filled up with J. Herbin Lie de Thé, but because I thought the colour was a bit to saturated flowing from this very wet pen, I diluted it. With triple filtered English Breakfast tea. I'm experimenting a bit, trying to get the colour just right. But I'm wondering if someone else has tried this before. greetings, M.

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