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  1. vig2432

    Bril Fountain Pen

    Bril is a company based in South India known for producing very good inks. They generally do not produce pens(Somebody can correct me if this is wrong). So, I was pleasantly surprised when I had an opportunity to buy a Bril Pen and immediately grabbed it. I bought it from Sreekumar, who is a nibmeister with a bunch of other pens. The price of this pen is just 50 INR(<1$). At this price range, I was blown away at how smooth the nib performs and how pleasantly it writes. The Bril pen is a all plastic body pen and the plastic is sort of cheap looking. It comes with 2 Bril catridges filled with Bril Royal Blue. It does not fit an international converter, but a parker piston converter fits rather well. The pen is rather small at 12cm capped and 15cm posted. The weight of the pen must be less than 20gms. The nib is a steel nib, rather plain looking with just F written on it. It draws a fairly dry western F line. But the nib is very smooth with no feedback and worked well outside the box with no tweaking. The pen cannot be eyedropper converted as there is a hole in the bottom. Some more pictures: [url=https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/uploads/imgs/fpn_1430210527__img_20150428_133429584.jpg][/url] Verdict: For 50 Rs, the pen has performed beyond my expectations. I do not know whether it is still available or not. I am very happy with this pen. If you want this pen, you have to contact Sreekumar(he goes by S-K on FPN) [EDIT: Bril does produce a lot of office stationaries. The pen is mentioned here:http://www.brilindia.com/school_product_list.php
  2. Thought of creating a thread for Bril ink from India. Perhaps the cheapest ink in the world at $0.3 for 60ml bottle; $3.2 for 1L. Yes. Official Website: http://www.brilindia.com/search/ink I would rate 7/10 in almost all categories and a 10/10 in value, if I were to give 8/10 to Pelikan Edelstein series. Dye-based. Free flow. Just a little feathering on cheap paper. Detailed review soon. A few pics of my beloved bottle below. One writing sample using Montblanc 144 Jungle Eyes, M. Canon 5D Mark-II. Canon 28-135mm.
  3. phillieskjk

    Where To Find Bril Ink?

    Does anyone know where I can buy Bril ink online? Thanks!
  4. Offer Free 7 ml. Ink Sample of Bril/Camlin on every pen purchase. Colours available : Blue, Black, Green, Red Offer valid till 30th November 2018. https://www.kiwipens.com/
  5. mehandiratta

    Ink Review - Bril Laurel Rose

    As mentioned in my previous reviews for the inks, Bril inks are one of the most used and admired inks in India. Bril has been in existence since 1964 and are based out of Bangalore in India.The review is about the BRIL LAUREL ROSE which is my second ink review from Bril. This review is simultaneously posted on my blog which is more detailed. Link to blog is here : INK REVIEW Bril Inks can be purchased from their Webpage as they have launched the webshop recently with nationwide shipping. Bril inks come in following colors: Royal Blue Green Red Laurel Rose Turquoise Blue Violet Black My earlier Ink reviews are listed as below: BRIL ROYAL BLUE CAMLIN SCARLET RED CHELPARK BLACK Also I would like to add that i got the inks as a gift from one of my friend and fountain pen enthusiast, Rakshit Pai. Bril Laurel Rose Bril Laurel Rose is a wonderful color ink which comes in 60 ml glass bottle and is priced at Rs. 18 (USD 0.28). INK SPLASH Bril Laurel Rose – Ink Splash on BILT Matrix Paper – Angled View Bril Laurel Rose – Ink Splash on BILT Matrix Paper – Top View Angled view shows the the sheen ink gives apart from the variation in shades. DROP ON PAPER NAPKIN Bril Laurel Rose – Ink Drop COLOR MATCH Bril Laurel Rose – Color Match WRITING SAMPLES Bril Laurel Rose – Writing samples with three different pens on BILT Matrix paper Bril Laurel Rose – Writing samples with three different pens on Century copy paper Bril Laurel Rose – Writing samples with three different pens on Camlin Kokuyo Notebook INK SWABS Bril Laurel Rose – Ink Swab on BILT Matrix paper ( From top to bottom – 1 to 3 swabs) Bril Laurel Rose – Ink Swab on Century copy paper ( From top to bottom – 1 to 3 swabs) PEN SCRIBBLE Bril Laurel Rose – Pen Scribble on BILT Matrix Paper WATERPROOF TEST Bril Laurel Rose – Waterproof Test I felt that ink has decent water resistance. As ink did not fade away too much even after running the paper under tap water for complete one minute. Rather paper started to give away but not the Ink. Bril Laurel Rose – Waterproof Test INK DRYING TIMES Ink drying times were tested on the Bilt Matrix paper and pen used was Jinhao X-450. Bril Laurel Rose -Ink Drying test BLOW-UP WRITING SAMPLES Bril Laurel Rose – Zoomed in Writing Sample You can see from the above zoomed in writing sample that there is certain bit of shading in the Ink. CONCLUSION I like the pinkish color of Bril Inks. I have used this ink in lot of pens and have realised that this ink stains the converter but gets washed out after using ammonia flush. Still i recommend not use this ink in demonstrators. Must buy at the price.
  6. mehandiratta

    Ink Review : Bril Royal Blue

    I have stocked up lot of inks, especially inks like Chelpark, Camlin, Bril and Sulekha. All these are region specific like Chelpark is easily available in North India and Bril's availability is limited to Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai, and Sulekha only available in Kolkatta that too few colors against 11 colors listed on webpage and lastly Camlin is available pan India. The review is about the Bril Royal Blue Ink, which happens to be my first ink review. And before I go further I would really like to thank Visvamitra and Lgsoltek, whose ink reviews I personally like a lot and is the inspiration for the ink review. Bril inks are one of the most used and admired inks in India. Bril has been in existence since 1964 and are based out of Bangalore. Bril Royal Blue is one of the most used inks in India after Camlin Blue and it is priced at Rs. 15 (US $ 0.25) for 60 ml glass bottle. INK SPLASH Ink Splash on Bilt Matrix - 70 gsm Ink Splash on Century Copy Paper - 70 gsm Drop on Paper Napkin Color Match Writing Samples Bril Royal Blue – Writing Sample on Bilt Matrix (70 gsm) using 3 pens of varying nibs width Bril Royal Blue – Writing Sample on Camlin School Notebook using 3 pens of varying nibs width Bril Royal Blue – Writing Sample on Century Copy paper (70 gsm) using 3 pens of varying nibs width Ink Swabs Bril Royal Blue – Ink Swab Sample on Bilt Matrix (70 gsm) – 3 swabs, 2 swabs and 1 swab from Left to Right For further details and waterproof test, please visit my blog LINK
  7. rkpai

    Bril Inks

    I live in Hyderabad, India. Bril Royal Blue is available in a few stores, but mostly the date of manufacture is 2009 or 2010. Is it safe to use it in Indian ebonites (ASA, Gem, Deccan) ?. I have used a batch manufactured in 2009 in ASA Athlete, ASA I Can and the Gama Raja, did not have any issues, but I am wondering if they will cause any long term damage (corrosion of feed, clogging channels, harm the ebonite). Has anyone faced any such issues with Bril's Royal Blue ink? I ask the store owners if they can pull out some new stock, but in most cases either they don't have it or they give the usual .. "Bril is no more, stock isn't coming through"... which cant be true as I still get latest batches when I visit Bangalore. Thanks Rakshit
  8. arunpk

    Bril Red Ink

    I bought the Bril red ink about a year back as NOS. It looked too pale for red color, so I thought it must have faded over time. I tried to look for reviews to compare my ink, but couldn't find any. Got a whole bunch of Bril inks recently. I had inked up my pen with the red ink and was penning some random thoughts, it just went in the direction of a review. So, here it is. I don't like this shade of ink, and something I use once in a while, just for variety. It is said to stain pens if left for a long time, but I am yet to see that happen. It's fairly wet, but not water-resistant at all. I have not done such long writing by hand in a while, hopefully will be doing more writing this year and more reviews too Not calibrated my scanner, the color looks a little darker in my monitor.
  9. I cannot find any reviews for any of the bril inks. Anybody found one? If not, anybody up for reviewing it? It would be great to have a review, i have heard it is one of the standard reliable Indian inks like Camlin/Chelpark. I found a couple of reviews of the Camlin royal blue ink, but none for the bril. So, Anyone up for it? Oh, and bdw. I just did a review of the Camlin ink on YouTube because i thought the ink is worthy of documentation. If anybody is interested. Here is the link. Thanks! http://youtu.be/tH8jmAFYGkc
  10. Barry Gabay

    Inks From India

    Good morning everyone, Namaste, Merhaba, Returning to Delhi, Lucknow, & possibly two of the following ( Bareilly, Ayodah, Jhansi, Mathura ) in about a week. Will have time before and after work to hunt for pens, so am pretty excited. Last trip in July 2012 yielded a fine crop of Indian & foreign-made pens, as well as lots of Camel ink. My question today involves ink. I will certainly bring home several bottles of Camel Royal Blue which I like very much. Do you all think I will be able to find Bril ink in the north? Have recently learned a little about this highly respected brand and am interested in trying some in my fountain pens. Any tips or ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Best wishes, Barry

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