I was just on eBay, scrolling through the "fountain pen ink" listing when I came across a seller advertising a "1950's Style" pen and ink. Well, out of curiosity I decided to look more closely. The seller was nice enough to show some up-close pictures of the nib from top and bottom. The pen looks like one of the Hero Parker 51 knockoffs with a squeeze filler. Okay, that's not so bad, except for the off center feed AND nib. The price was only $15.95 plus reasonable shipping. What was truly sad was when I looked at the ink and saw that it was Higgins India Ink. OOOOPS! Pardon me, but anyone buying the pen & ink package and then using them together is in for a little surprise. Being the good Samaritan that I am , I sent off a message thinking, maybe this person doesn't know pens that well and this is a mistake. Well, further scrolling reveals about 10+ additional packages of he same set up with different colored pens. What are your thoughts about that situation. Should I have just skipped over it and forgotten the whole thing. I'm not looking for you to say I'm right or wrong, because I handled it the way I felt best. I'm still curious as to what others might have done in that situation. Finally, have you ever run into similar situations? What did you do?