Recently I was looking at some of my pens, and realized I have a few I don't use a whole lot. After giving it some thought, I thought I would give a chance to some of the newer members here a chance to acquire this. This is for my Cross Aventura, with a Medium nib and converter. It is a very nice writer and looks good, it just doesn't get the use it deserves. Like I said, I want this to go to a newer member here. Requirements: Must be a Gold Member (minimum of 30 posts and here at least 30 days) but have less than 100 posts when it closes. However it will be open worldwide - CONUS gets free shipping, elsewhere pays the difference between the two. Entries will be open until 8:00 pm MDT July 15/2:00 am UTC/GMT July 16. I will use a random number generator to pick the winner and announce that weekend. (photo from Cross website)