It's that time of year again when I get itchy for a new pen! After browsing through brands and models I've tentatively settled on getting an Architect's Point nib from one of the pretty urushi Nakaya pens. Now the question is, which nib should I choose to start the grind off from? Medium, Broad, or Extra Broad? Some background: I love big contrasts in line variation, so anything that heightens that would be awesome. I heard that Bs and BBs produce wider line variations than the M when ground into Architect's Point--is this true? What's the widest width capable from an AP ground from a B/BB nib versus M nib? I'm also concerned about the low ink capacity of Nakaya cartridge convertors (0.5ml of ink!), so I don't want something that writes so broad that it eats up all my ink within a few writing sessions. Thanks in advance for your help, Nakaya writers!