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Found 7 results

  1. Hello, I'd like to share a question about disassembling the piston mechanism on Pelikan 400NN Merz&Krell. I got one today, literally covered in dirt and dust. After few hours of soaking in lukewarm distilled water, I could easily take apart the nib assembly, the collar, the feed, clean and re-set th...
  2. I just bought a 400NN tortoise with an OF nib from a well-known European dealer/member. He supplied several top and bottom-view photos which looked perfect, but when the pen arrived the side view turned out to be this: Surely the nib should not be bent down so far! Should I send it to a nibmeister...
  3. idawood

    Restored A Vintage Pelikan Today

    I always wondered, about the reasons which made Pelikan pens so famous. Although, I have to admit I never used any Pelikan pen before. A few days ago, I saw an ad for an old Pelikan pen in the second-hand marketplace, so I took a gamble and purchased this Pelikan 400NN. It was a remote transactionss...
  4. Recently I got my hands on this supposedly green striated 120 Merz & Krell https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/uploads/imgs/fpn_1511041362__pelikan_120_striated.jpg As a green striated Merz & Krell 120 was never documented I asked one of the Pelikan Gurus in Germany about his opinion. He re...
  5. chromantic

    Pelikan Black-Striped 400Nn

    Valentina of Walipen has 2 Pelikan 400NN black-striped (or had, as of the last newsletter). I have no connection to Valentina (must have bought something from her to get on her mailing list) but I know these are much coveted so I thought I'd put the word out. She has an ebay store you can find i...
  6. lokhiny2601

    New To Vintage Pelikan 400

    Hi everyone ! Recently, I've got a nice 500 from a antique shop.But when I tried to knock the piston unit,I've ruined the barrel.Now I will buy a 400nn brown tortoise parts to replace my 500. Now I have two solutions here 1. Knock the 400nn piston unit out and replace with the 500 piston knob (is it...
  7. Mike_in_HK

    Pelikan 400Nn - Advice Needed

    Hey there, FPN Pelikan experts. I need some advice, please. I have just purchased a used Pelikan 400NN with an EF 14K 585 solid gold semi flex nib, manufactured in 1958-59. Piston filler, celluloid tortoise green stripe, gold plated metal parts, ebonite hard rubber elongated feeder, fitted with...

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