I have a Criterion pen that looks much like the one in this corgicoupe post: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/289264-criterion-from-the-pen-show/?do=findComment&comment=3338421 It says "CRITERION" on the clip and "FILLER" on the filler lever. The nib says: 14KT (or maybe 4KT) ALC9 O3 The sac was just flakes and powder so I'll need to replace it. I have a few questions: 1) I can't really see if I've successfully scraped out all of the previous sac - how can you tell that you've done this part correctly? 2) There is some rust/discoloration on the barrel where the cap touches it when closed, both on the threaded and smooth sections - Is it safe to remove it and what should I use? 3) I'll try measuring in order to determine what size sac to use but it would be handy to know the right size - any idea? 4) The nib works as a dip pen - does that mean it's okay? 5) If this were the only pen I ever worked on what would be the Minimum Viable Repair Kit - the least number and kind of tools and supplies that I'd need? Thanks for your help.