FPN 2015 Blue Pearl LE, #8 14K Nib - Order with CONID
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Our first pen to celebrate 11 years of FPN is available for purchase, as a Group Buy.
This pen, appropriately called the FPN Blue Pearl Celebration LE, is the most extravagant we have ever created. As 11 years is the crazy number, we thought we'd do something a little crazy, hence this rather magnificent, extravagant fountain pen.
You may buy it here:
FPN LE Blue Pearl - CONID
Please note that the price here on FPN is only an indication, in USD, excluding and including VAT if applicable, excluding shipping, but including 14K gold nib.
Please check stock with CONID.
This pen is made by CONID in Antwerp, Belgium, in their first rate factory, and designed by our own fountainbel, engineer by profession and pen lover at heart.
It is a King Size Bulkfiller, truly an outstanding piece, from an engineering, design and materials point of view.
Starting with the material, it is a stunning very high quality, unstressed acrylic, in a mix of colours resembling some of the best celluloids out there, but obviously a lot less flammable :). Anybody who has ever seen the celluloid Tibaldis with blue and slightly green-yellow cream coloured layers of material, will be drawn to this pen immediately. The colours are even more intense than that particular celluloid, en have even more depth. You have to see it to believe it. It is a truly incredible material. Cap, section, barrel and bulkfiller button are all created from this magnificent material. There is only enough material to just create a limited edition of these pens, and it will not be used therefore for any other pen.
It obviously is a pen made to the extremely high and very exacting standards of CONID and fountainbel. It is engineered from the best materials only, trim and threading turned out of titanium, and all seals in this pen are created purely by screw threads and/or rubber seals - no glue is used in this pen whatsoever. Just one place has some shellac applied, and that is the ink view window. As this ink view window is fixed and sealed with shellac, it is easily removable as well if need be. The pen comes with a single small tool, which is all that is required to take this pen apart into all of its parts, making it easily cleanable, and the parts easily replaceable. Well thought out engineering and planning clearly lay at the base of this design.
The filling system of this pen is the by now famous, patented (patent pending) design of fountainbel, the bulkfiller. It is elegant and beautiful at the same time, and it also is the system which allows one to fill a pen with the highest fill rate possible, as the system allows one to fill the barrel completely with ink, up to a stunning 3 millilitre, or 3 cc! That is an awesome amount of ink. Imagine, 16 fills from a standard 50 ml ink bottle only! Of course it was designed with a shut-off mechanism too, one wouldn't expect anything less from such a pen. The beauty of the shut-off design makes it possible to still write a page, and probably two or even more (depending on nib type of course), with the shut-off enabled. It also makes it leak proof, so this pen can be taken along anywhere, without having to worry about ink escaping at all, in the wrong places or at the wrong moment.
We still haven't mentioned the nib yet. Well, this is a monstrous, gigantic, 14K #8 gold nib, made by Bock, especially for CONID. And yes, you read that right: an enormous, 8 mm nib! These nibs are available in F, M and B. However, they can be modified to an italic or oblique, or extra fine if you so like, at additional cost. These nib modifications are done with respect to the nib, not by removing almost all tipping material. This work is done lovingly, and completely manually, by an expert nib enhancer (aka nibmeister).
Even the box of this fountain pen is a master piece. It is made from a single piece of aluminium, with a large foam insert to hold the pen, its servicing tool, and potentially other pieces you might want to store with it. This box is made especially for the FPN Blue Pearl Celebration, in a colour unique again for this production only.
This is obviously not going to be a cheap pen. We will only make a maximum of 132 of this particular model, in all nib sizes together, as there isn't enough material for more, and we may even have to settle for a smaller number, due to the very limited availability of this material.
As mentioned, this is a Group Buy, so how does this work?
We needed an initial order of 20 pens to be able to start production, and as this point was reached easily - the first batch ended up being 33 pens in total, which are all sold. From here onwards, we need batches of a minimum of 10 pens, preferably 15, so the faster we have at least 10 paid for orders, the faster we can produce our next batch(es).
Once the pens are manufactured, assembled and QA tested, and the nibs mounted and tuned to perfection as well, they are sent on the FPN HQ in Europe. Here they will undergo a final QA inspection and test, any nib work will be carried out if so required. Once inspected, tested, and any nib modifications carried out, the pens will be shipped to the respective new owners.
Because of the high value of these pens, shipping will only be done on a fully insured basis. I am sure you will forgive us for doing so :). Yes ,it will add to the cost, but we think it is absolutely worth the extra trouble.
Don't hesitate, go for it while materials still last!
You may buy it here:
FPN LE Blue Pearl - CONID
Please note that the price here on FPN is only an indication, in USD, excluding and including VAT if applicable, excluding shipping, but including 14K gold nib.
Please check stock with CONID.
About FPN 2015 Blue Pearl LE, #8 14K Nib - Order with CONID
FPN 2015 Blue Pearl LE with #8 14K Broad Nib and Titanium trim, in large, luxury aluminum box
Our first pen to celebrate 11 years of FPN is available for purchase, as a Group Buy.
This pen, appropriately called the FPN Blue Pearl Celebration LE, is the most extravagant we have ever created. As 11 years is the crazy number, we thought we'd do something a little crazy, hence this rather magnificent, extravagant fountain pen.
You may buy it here:
FPN LE Blue Pearl - CONID
Please note that the price here on FPN is only an indication, in USD, excluding and including VAT if applicable, excluding shipping, but including 14K gold nib.
Please check stock with CONID.
This pen is made by CONID in Antwerp, Belgium, in their first rate factory, and designed by our own fountainbel, engineer by profession and pen lover at heart.
It is a King Size Bulkfiller, truly an outstanding piece, from an engineering, design and materials point of view.
Starting with the material, it is a stunning very high quality, unstressed acrylic, in a mix of colours resembling some of the best celluloids out there, but obviously a lot less flammable :). Anybody who has ever seen the celluloid Tibaldis with blue and slightly green-yellow cream coloured layers of material, will be drawn to this pen immediately. The colours are even more intense than that particular celluloid, en have even more depth. You have to see it to believe it. It is a truly incredible material. Cap, section, barrel and bulkfiller button are all created from this magnificent material. There is only enough material to just create a limited edition of these pens, and it will not be used therefore for any other pen.
It obviously is a pen made to the extremely high and very exacting standards of CONID and fountainbel. It is engineered from the best materials only, trim and threading turned out of titanium, and all seals in this pen are created purely by screw threads and/or rubber seals - no glue is used in this pen whatsoever. Just one place has some shellac applied, and that is the ink view window. As this ink view window is fixed and sealed with shellac, it is easily removable as well if need be. The pen comes with a single small tool, which is all that is required to take this pen apart into all of its parts, making it easily cleanable, and the parts easily replaceable. Well thought out engineering and planning clearly lay at the base of this design.
The filling system of this pen is the by now famous, patented (patent pending) design of fountainbel, the bulkfiller. It is elegant and beautiful at the same time, and it also is the system which allows one to fill a pen with the highest fill rate possible, as the system allows one to fill the barrel completely with ink, up to a stunning 3 millilitre, or 3 cc! That is an awesome amount of ink. Imagine, 16 fills from a standard 50 ml ink bottle only! Of course it was designed with a shut-off mechanism too, one wouldn't expect anything less from such a pen. The beauty of the shut-off design makes it possible to still write a page, and probably two or even more (depending on nib type of course), with the shut-off enabled. It also makes it leak proof, so this pen can be taken along anywhere, without having to worry about ink escaping at all, in the wrong places or at the wrong moment.
We still haven't mentioned the nib yet. Well, this is a monstrous, gigantic, 14K #8 gold nib, made by Bock, especially for CONID. And yes, you read that right: an enormous, 8 mm nib! These nibs are available in F, M and B. However, they can be modified to an italic or oblique, or extra fine if you so like, at additional cost. These nib modifications are done with respect to the nib, not by removing almost all tipping material. This work is done lovingly, and completely manually, by an expert nib enhancer (aka nibmeister).
Even the box of this fountain pen is a master piece. It is made from a single piece of aluminium, with a large foam insert to hold the pen, its servicing tool, and potentially other pieces you might want to store with it. This box is made especially for the FPN Blue Pearl Celebration, in a colour unique again for this production only.
This is obviously not going to be a cheap pen. We will only make a maximum of 132 of this particular model, in all nib sizes together, as there isn't enough material for more, and we may even have to settle for a smaller number, due to the very limited availability of this material.
As mentioned, this is a Group Buy, so how does this work?
We needed an initial order of 20 pens to be able to start production, and as this point was reached easily - the first batch ended up being 33 pens in total, which are all sold. From here onwards, we need batches of a minimum of 10 pens, preferably 15, so the faster we have at least 10 paid for orders, the faster we can produce our next batch(es).
Once the pens are manufactured, assembled and QA tested, and the nibs mounted and tuned to perfection as well, they are sent on the FPN HQ in Europe. Here they will undergo a final QA inspection and test, any nib work will be carried out if so required. Once inspected, tested, and any nib modifications carried out, the pens will be shipped to the respective new owners.
Because of the high value of these pens, shipping will only be done on a fully insured basis. I am sure you will forgive us for doing so :). Yes ,it will add to the cost, but we think it is absolutely worth the extra trouble.
Don't hesitate, go for it while materials still last!
You may buy it here:
FPN LE Blue Pearl - CONID
Please note that the price here on FPN is only an indication, in USD, excluding and including VAT if applicable, excluding shipping, but including 14K gold nib.
Please check stock with CONID.
Shipping Options
Shipping options and prices may vary depending on the total value of your order. Your final shipping price will be determined at checkout.
Options shown are based on your estimated location.
$33.37 - PostNL, Zone ROW, T&T, Registered, Insured (up to 5500 €) - EURO Order ()
Shipping Size
Size0 in × 0 in × 0 in
Weight1.1 lb
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