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Waterman Red


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Thanks much for doing the review! It's very helpful.

May you have pens you enjoy, with plenty of paper and ink. :)

Please use only my FPN name "Gran" in your posts. Thanks very much!

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I use this ink at the office for editing, and it is wonderful for that purpose.



"The moment he opened the refrigerator, he saw it. Caponata! Fragrant, colorful, abundant, it filled an entire soup dish, enough for at least four people.... The notes of the triumphal march of Aida came spontaneously, naturally, to his lips." -- Andrea Camilleri, Excursion to Tindari, p. 212

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Waterman Red is my red of choice, really a wonderful, true red color, red among reds, and an impeccable behaving ink.

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I love this as an 'ink of choice', but my PA complains that it looks like I'm shouting when I use it to correct typescripts. I should buy her some blue-tinted spectacles :lol:



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I love this as an 'ink of choice', but my PA complains that it looks like I'm shouting when I use it to correct typescripts. I should buy her some blue-tinted spectacles :lol:




No need to give in to that argument, but you can soften the blow. Construct an argument around:

*Don't call them corrections, call them revisions or changes (regardless of whether you said it wrong or she typed it wrong)

*It is critical all the revisions get made (the first time) and red makes them stand out best

*You use red to mark revisions in your own work too.


You can turn the argument around and ask them in any other color would make the revisions stand out better. There may be people who see red funny and for them, it may not be a good editting color. For most of us, it is the most vivid and makes revisions stand out. It is good to use another color to mark that the revision has been made in the original.

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Wow, glad I saw this. I never considered Waterman red. However, I'm a big fan of Florida Blue, so maybe I'll have to look for a sample of this and try it out.

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I've found it gets even nicer if you leave it on a shelf with the top off for a week or so - just that little bit more intense!



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I've a love/hate relationship with this ink. The brightness and intensity is really great, however, the feathering/bleeding really bugs me.


Hi ch,


Have you tried using the Waterman Red with your Lamy Safari and/or your Snorkel Statesman (I've been reading your blog :)). I was very surprised to see your smear test and to read of your problems with feathering and bleed through. I think maybe your Levenger TWs write too wet for this ink, as I haven't had those problems with it. As a lefty overwriter I wouldn't be able to use it if it didn't dry quickly, but I'm using it with drier writing pens.


Best, Ann

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I love this as an 'ink of choice', but my PA complains that it looks like I'm shouting when I use it to correct typescripts. I should buy her some blue-tinted spectacles :lol:




No need to give in to that argument, but you can soften the blow. Construct an argument around:

*Don't call them corrections, call them revisions or changes (regardless of whether you said it wrong or she typed it wrong)

*It is critical all the revisions get made (the first time) and red makes them stand out best

*You use red to mark revisions in your own work too.


You can turn the argument around and ask them in any other color would make the revisions stand out better. There may be people who see red funny and for them, it may not be a good editting color. For most of us, it is the most vivid and makes revisions stand out. It is good to use another color to mark that the revision has been made in the original.


Good points, but I know she's only joking - sort of. Anyway, I usually use purple now and she says that is nicer; but warns me never to use green because "Only mad people use green ink!"

At least my work colleagues know and respect my idiosyncracies, even noticing when two more bottles of ink arrived today.


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