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My bottled browns


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I made up some colour test cards with all the bottled ink I currently have on hand, and I thought I'd throw up some scans of the results. I don't know how to do colour correction, but these look pretty good on my monitor, though the Cacao du Brésil isn't quite this gray - it is very cool, but like very dark chocolate.


I cut the cards from an old artist's pad with heavy slightly off-white paper. The first two or three lines are done with a dip pen, the final two are done with a glass pen, and the smear is done with a q-tip.





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Great post -- thank you for this!


Thanks, Peter!


It's funny, but I knew the Havana, Red-black, and even Walnut were similar, but I never knew how similar until I put them side by side like this. Looking at these test cards has almost convinced me I don't need to buy Diamine Saddle Brown. :headsmack:



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Lovely comparisons. Thanks very much.

May you have pens you enjoy, with plenty of paper and ink. :)

Please use only my FPN name "Gran" in your posts. Thanks very much!

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Excellent scans. I'm not familiar with the Windsor & Newton inks, but the color of the Sepia looks quite interesting.



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I'm not familiar with the Windsor & Newton inks, but the color of the Sepia looks quite interesting.


It's a calligraphy ink most suitable for dip pens. The bottle insists it's fine for fountain pens, but not so much.



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Great thank you. I've been wanting to try Noodlers walnut. I didn't know Noodlers red Black was a brown ink, I will have to add it to my list. I use a lot of browns for journaling, Mostly Sepia's and Sienna's.

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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This is fantastic. Do you have access to PR Chocolat? I would love to see how it compares to the others.

Do or do not, there is no try. . .

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I didn't know Noodlers red Black was a brown ink, I will have to add it to my list.


The funny thing is, I had never really thought of it as a brown until I did this, because I do notice the distinct red and black components on the page. But I had read other FPNers comparing it to Havana, so I was interested to see how close they would prove to be in real life. I made up the cards, and hey, presto!, it looks like a brown! I guess I'd never had Red-black and Havana in pens at the same time, so I hadn't made the connection. And to be honest, I haven't inked a pen with Red-black in quite a while!


I use a lot of browns for journaling, Mostly Sepia's and Sienna's.


sigh I've recently been trawling the Ink Reviews forum for Sepias and Siennas (R&K, Diamine, Visconti) even though, clearly, I don't really need any more brown ink. I've drawn a line in the sand and decided that I need to use up 10 bottles of ink before I will allow myself to buy any more. We'll see how that shakes out!




ps. Which your Sepias/Siennas are your favorites?


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Do you have access to PR Chocolat? I would love to see how it compares to the others.


Nope, sorry. And don't go putting any ideas into my head! ;)



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Do you have access to PR Chocolat? I would love to see how it compares to the others.


Nope, sorry. And don't go putting any ideas into my head! ;)





Drat, that was just what I was going to request! :rolleyes:

I chose my user name years ago - I have no links to BBS pens (other than owning one!)

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I love FPN brown; it would be interesting to see it in the scans too. But wonderful job!


You know, I ordered and paid for a bottle of the very first offering of FPN brown, but it never made it across the border. I never followed up because I was juggling about a billion more important things at the time, and it seemed like the member who was doing the order fulfillment (Brian, maybe?) was, too. I ended up being away from FPN for a couple of years, and this is the first time I've really thought about that bottle of Galileo since getting back on the board. Huh.



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  • 7 months later...

Adding search/index friendliness:

Windsor and Newton Sepia

Noodlers Walnut

Waterman Havana

Noodlers Red-black

J. Herbin Cacao du Brésil

J. Herbin Lie de Thé

Pelikan Brilliant Brown

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