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Delta Parthenope

Dave Johannsen

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I just bought a Delta Parthenope and thought that I would post a brief review...


Overall, I am a pleased. I find the styling quite reminiscent of vintage pens of the early thirties. In particular, the cap and overall lines of the pen evoke the styling of the (likely mistakenly labelled) transitional Equi-Poised. Combine this with a roller clip and there is enough homage to vintage pen styling to satisfy even me.


Now for the pen itself... The pen has quite large barrel diameter at the section (maybe a bit large for me, but I'm learning to be comfortable with it). Overall, the pen is a bit shorter than one typically finds in moderns - its capped length being only about 5 1/8." Another significant feature is that the barrel end is threaded for secure posting. These two aspects of the design bring me to what is my only cautionary note about this pen. I find that the short length means that it is not comfortable to use the pen without posting the cap (as the barrel end threads hit me right between the thumb and index finger). As the cap must be twisted down to be securely posted, this can be a bit inconvenient for jotting quick notes. Additionally, the threaded barrel end requires a bit of practice in posting so that you don't end up with the pocket clip hitting your hand in a bothersome position. However, if one typically writes for longer stretches at a time, the additional security of have the cap screwed to the barrel end may be a plus. The nib is springy and gives some line variation, and starts right up even after being left uncapped for some time. Overall, I really like the pen and recommend without reservation to those who tend to write for longer stretches.




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this is my first post, so you can classify me a newbie, even if I am collectng pens since some time (my first one was a silver Aurora that I bough used when I was 16 with my first "parental salary"...)


Just became an owner of the Delta Parthenope. I went to a shop to buy a Marlen, but when they put in my hands this Delta, I made the deal. in fact, being out of production now, I paid it only 80 Euros, that I think is a bargain for such a pen new.


After some to and fros (remember I was looking for another pen), I started liking it more and more. The shape is quite particular to be different from my other pens, the barrel pattern is beautiful (deep blu, amber, gold, etc.) and the fact that is a numbered (and out of production) model gives me the impression to have something almost rare.


The nib is hard but leaves quite a good flow, without any kind of problem or skipping, I have a "B" size.


The quality of the resin, and of the work is absolutely good, no signs of tools or devects all around. All surfaces are shining.


Conclusion: I have a pen that I like more and more and I saved money to buy another one soon!



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I acquired one of these about a month ago -- a white one -- and it's quickly risen to "daily user" status. Mine has a fine nib with a little spring in it. The line width and flow are PERFECT. Sizewise it's perfect, too. So, between looks and function, it's an excellent pen!! HP

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