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Daiso Mini

Bruno Taut

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This a very cheap pen. Cheaper than a Pilot Varsity/Vs, and is refillable.





First Impression 3/5

This fountain pen is sold in the Japanese chain of 100-yen shops called Daiso. There is not much information on the package: it says it is the “Mini size”, made in China, produced for Daiso Japan. Written both in Japanese and in English.

Well, this is an inexpensive pen. But it looks better than one might expect.



Appearance 2/5

It is made of poly carbonate (PC). Transparent for the cap, and black translucent for the barrel and section. The nib is stainless steel.

My major concern is the durability and how soon the cap might crack.

Of course, made of cheap materials, this is not a pen to show off.



Design, size, weight 4/5


I like small pens, and this is a short pen that needs to be posted --much in the fashion of the Japanese pocket pens-- to become comfortable to write with. The adjustment between cap and barrel for posting is excellent.

The barrel has three rugged areas to grab the pen in the “correct” position. But even I do not think this poses any inconvenient for those out there with unorthodox grip as they are very shallow and unobtrusive.

It is very light: 9 g


capped: 113 mm;

uncapped and unposted: 105 mm

posted: 145 mm

Diameter: 12.5 mm (cap) and 11 mm (barrel)

All in all, this a very comfortable pen.




Nib 5/5


It is remarkably smooth. Looks cheap indeed, and there are no engravings on it. It writes like a fine.





Filling system 4/5


Uses cartridges. It comes with a cartridge that is shorter than those of Sailor, but Sailor cartridges work perfectly.

The Sailor converter does not fin in the barrel. Nobody’s perfect!



Cost and value 5/5


Excellent. What can you say of a very smooth writer for 100 yen? I am taking good care of it, but I uncap and cap it very often and no cracks have appeared after a couple of weeks of carrying it around.



Conclusion 4/5


Smooth, light, small, comfortable... All for 100 yen? I only wished it had a better look.



Hope you enjoy this post. Comments, of course, very welcome

Bruno Taut - Crónicas Estilográficas (https://estilofilos.blogspot.com)

The contents and pictures of this post belong to the author, here identified as Bruno Taut.

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Oops, I think you meant this for the Review section of the Forum. Any how, nice review. Looks like there is a lot of condensation in the pen cap...

Oh, and welcome to the Fountain Pen Network.



Montblanc 145, F nib
Faber Castell E-Motion in Pearwood, F nib
Montblanc 149, F nib
Visconti Divina Proporzione 1618, S nib
Montblanc Cool Blue Starwalker, EF nib
Montblanc Solitaire Silver Barley BP
Montblanc Rouge et Noir Coral, M nib

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What! How did I not see this when I was in Tokyo this summer? :bonk: The only FP I found at Daiso was a Sailor Ink Pen. Do you think the stock just varies per store?

"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." - Le Petit Prince


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This a very cheap pen. Cheaper than a Pilot Varsity/Vs, and is refillable.


It's so austere that I can't help but like it. What can I say? This is Sparta! ;)


This fountain pen is sold in the Japanese chain of 100-yen shops called Daiso. There is not much information on the package: it says it is the “Mini size”, made in China, produced for Daiso Japan.


Geez, even in Japan everything is made in China. :rolleyes: It won't be long until everything in China is made in Zimbabwe or somewhere, though. :)


It is made of poly carbonate (PC). Transparent for the cap, and black translucent for the barrel and section. The nib is stainless steel.

My major concern is the durability and how soon the cap might crack.


Polycarbonate is the type of plastic used in audio CDs, DVDs, and safety goggles, for example. While it's tough enough to be made bullet-resistant, indeed it is also quite prone to cracking.


Nib 5/5


It is remarkably smooth. Looks cheap indeed, and there are no engravings on it. It writes like a fine.


No engravings...wow. What type of tip does it have? Is it folded under? Despite the resolution of the picture, I can't tell from that angle.


Uses cartridges. It comes with a cartridge that is shorter than those of Sailor, but Sailor cartridges work perfectly.


On a side note, the reason that cheap pens tend to be well-sealed is that they come with ink already loaded. See, when a manufacturer has to make some aspect of a product work well out of necessity, they can do so no matter how cheap the price, and when they don't have to do something, they won't, no matter how expensive the price. :rolleyes:


Looks like a very interesting pen that would do well for a novice FPner.


In addition to knock-arounds, I tend to view pens like this as freebies for potential converts. Do you like it? Keep it! (I have you now--hehehehehehehe!)

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Nice review! But, isn't this in the wrong forum?


Sorry! Just realized. I wonder if the forum could be changed.


About the condensation... you do not know how humid Tokyo is these days!!!


In Daiso shops you can see several fountain pens, not only the Sailor InkPen. One of them is a non-refillable disposable pen that comes in black and in red.


About buying it in the US, I have no idea.





Bruno Taut - Crónicas Estilográficas (https://estilofilos.blogspot.com)

The contents and pictures of this post belong to the author, here identified as Bruno Taut.

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I do not think the nib is a folded type one. Just check the following pics:





By the way, does anybody know how to change the forum in which this thread is attached?


Again, my apologies for not having attached it to the Pen Review forum.





Bruno Taut - Crónicas Estilográficas (https://estilofilos.blogspot.com)

The contents and pictures of this post belong to the author, here identified as Bruno Taut.

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I do not think the nib is a folded type one. Just check the following pics:





Wow, it looks like it has actual tipping material...on a nib with no engraving! It's so flawlessly pragmatic that it's...beautiful. :wub: You'll have to excuse me, I think I have some ink in my eye. :bawl: ;)

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What! How did I not see this when I was in Tokyo this summer? :bonk: The only FP I found at Daiso was a Sailor Ink Pen. Do you think the stock just varies per store?


Yes, the stock really varies per store. Or perhaps they were just sold out?? I went to 3 Daiso stores and could find fountain pens in only one (out in the boondocks!). Luckily they had both the Sailor and this Chinese pen. The Sailor pen nib looks like a very narrow stub; it has no tipping. I haven't tried writing with either one yet. I'm a bit scared of the Chinese one as the feed has some white dusty looking stuff on it. I'm not sure if it's fungus (the pen I bought also had condensation in the cap) or dust from manufacture or what.



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I shall check up the Daiso in Singapore whether they see this or not.

The last time I checked the only item they have related to fountain pen is the sailor ink cartridges, a pack for S$2, about $1.40

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I shall check up the Daiso in Singapore whether they see this or not.

The last time I checked the only item they have related to fountain pen is the sailor ink cartridges, a pack for S$2, about $1.40


They have some fountain pens including the Sailor ink pen, just not in the same place as the cartridges but with the Calligraphy supplies. Not sure if they have this mini pen though.

Looking to exchange ink samples! Available: Noodler's Bulletproof Black, Noodler's 54th Massachusetts, Noodler's Black Swan in English Roses, Noodler's Bad Belted Kingfisher, Noodler's Operation Overlord Orange

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Hi all again,


I have just visited a couple of Daiso shops and in both of them I found lots of this Mini pen described in this post. It is true that the inventory of each shop is different, and in one of them, I have found three other fountain pens, these with the Platinum logo engraved on the nib. Hopefully, I will write a report on it shortly.


The reason of my visits? I lost my Mini on the same day I posted my report... :crybaby: But it is only 100 yen! :) , and that is not any big drama! I want to use it for a while.





Bruno Taut - Crónicas Estilográficas (https://estilofilos.blogspot.com)

The contents and pictures of this post belong to the author, here identified as Bruno Taut.

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Went to check up Daiso in Singapore again.

Found the fountain pen mentioned here but it's full size.

Comes with a cartridege already fixed but I have difficulty untwisting the barrel.


I also found a few differnt cheap fountain pen there.

One is a sailor ink pen, not the ink bar.

This one the cartirdge is changeble.

There is another brand (not the Daiso house brand) of fountain pen in full size and mini version.


All selling for S$2 each, about $1.40.

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Not only do I love mini-pens, I also love cheap pens. This Daiso has the look of both the Varsity and Pilot Petit 1 with the rounded, bullet-like tips (another feature I like!).


Alas, the only Sailor carts I have at the moment are black. Not my favorite color, by far. As good an excuse as any to buy some more carts. ;)

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Hi there, may i know which outlet you went to?

i get quite lost in the PS one.. cant seem to find anything (i want)



Went to check up Daiso in Singapore again.

Found the fountain pen mentioned here but it's full size.

Comes with a cartridege already fixed but I have difficulty untwisting the barrel.


I also found a few differnt cheap fountain pen there.

One is a sailor ink pen, not the ink bar.

This one the cartirdge is changeble.

There is another brand (not the Daiso house brand) of fountain pen in full size and mini version.


All selling for S$2 each, about $1.40.


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Hi there, may i know which outlet you went to?

i get quite lost in the PS one.. cant seem to find anything (i want)



In the PS outlet its at the calligraphy supplies perpendicular to the stationery section. Pens are with the calligraphy stuff, cartridges are on the stationery rack. Its pretty near the entrance on your right.

Looking to exchange ink samples! Available: Noodler's Bulletproof Black, Noodler's 54th Massachusetts, Noodler's Black Swan in English Roses, Noodler's Bad Belted Kingfisher, Noodler's Operation Overlord Orange

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