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Lamy Blue


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I'm revisiting Lamy Blue, since I'm a bit more knowlegeable about fountain pens now. The quick answer is: it's a standard ink that is nothing special, but it's extremely reliable and a good multi-purpose ink. The blue is pretty vibrant, though it seems a little less so with a thinner nib. I mixed mine with some HoD black to get it a little more suited to my tastes. Basically, you can't argue with something that works exactly as intended. As FPN user Ondina pointed out, it's a good ink for students/kids, and it's a quite popular color. Sorry about the less-than-straight writing; I wasn't writing on the best surface.


As long as the ink holds out, any requests to be tested or conflicting opinions are welcome. After all, multiple perspectives make for better reviews.



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I agree. Is well behaved, but "faint" and fades away in no time. Totally washable. Not for me, either. Thanks for the review.

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I agree with a lot of what you've said, but concur with Ondina about the fading and washable nature. I'm now using it as a test ink and probably won't buy more afterwards. I did enjoy it as a starter ink, though.

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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  • 2 weeks later...

To 'light' for me, but really like your scotch tape drawings.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right

to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,

and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:14-15

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Ah, but once the ink is all gone, you have a most excellent ink bottle in which to put something else!




I agree!


In my opinion, the Lamy bottle is THE best bottle there is!




For sale: nothing!

Looking for: money!

To Buy: Visconti Titanium Skeleton, Omas Ogiva Demo (HT Piston filler), Stipula Etruria nuda, other demos :P

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  • 5 months later...

This colour reminds me of school ink as well. I used some for a while when I bought my Safari last year. The feeling of deja vu was overwhelming.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I purchased a bottle of this ink for use with my Rotring Initial with a fine nib. I have to say that it was a bit of a disappointment, since it is more runny than your average ink, and takes too long to dry. I agree with Iziem that it is a good ink for those that like to use both sides of the paper, but I usually don't. In short, I don't think I would buy this ink again.

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This colour reminds me of school ink as well. I used some for a while when I bought my Safari last year. The feeling of deja vu was overwhelming.


I agree totally -- "school ink" was my first thought when I saw the scan.


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Very nice review. I agree with the others, even on the computer, I thought "school ink". An ink good for both sides of the page is useful to know about, should one need it.


I quite like your drawings of the tape dispensers!


Many thanks for posting this.

May you have pens you enjoy, with plenty of paper and ink. :)

Please use only my FPN name "Gran" in your posts. Thanks very much!

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  • 6 months later...

School ink aside...I like this color blue...ok for letter writing but nothing archival.

Check out this new flickr page for pen wraps

W He


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If you use it in a pen with a decent sized wet nib - not those silly little fine things (;)) it's vastly improved...... And I like it runny - bring it forth with all speed!!






She turned me into a newt.......

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I just bought a bottle of this while on vacation in North Carolina. Bought it from Office Supplies & More in Chapel Hill. (No affiliation.) Inked up a Safari while still in NC. Only problem is, I accidently left it at my brother-in-law's house! I don't have a local B&M to buy more. Oh well. I did buy a bottle of Lamy Turquois on clearance (50% off) during a stop in Lexington, KY at Leather, Inc. Still, now that I'm back in Indiana, I wish I had my bottle of Lamy Blue!

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