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Cross - Townsend Titanium Herringbone Fountain Pen


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Price: $230 (But I've seen it in various places for 50% off every now and then.)


Description: An engraved herringbone pattern gives this Cross Townsend fountain pen it's unique textured feel. The titanium herringbone pen is accented with rhodium plated appointments and an 18 karat gold/rhodium plated nib. (Credits: Cross)









Cross, as usual, offers a great looking and working pen.


-It's a decent weight, it's not too light, not too heavy

-Looks great

-Writes great

-Quite sturdy

-You can fit a spare ink cartridge into the body of the pen (Maybe other Cross pens does this too, but I've only one :thumbup: ).

-The usual gorgeous nib

-It's real smooth, all my fountain pens are Medium nib, but I'd prefer Fine or Extra Fine, as I'm left handed so anything to avoid smearing (It doesn't happen though).



-The cap is real tight (Air tight perhaps) and when you open it, some ink flies out (Only rarely, but it does happen).

-The way its built, the handle becomes loose sometimes when you write a lot for a long period of time (The part for changing the ink).

-The usual TINY Cross ink cartridges.

-The handle warms up quite a bit if you write for awhile (It bothers me, but thats just a personal thing :rolleyes: ).

-It could probably do a LITTLE bit more width on the pen itself.


All in all, I love the pen, but the only thing that truly bothers me is that the handle gets loose after awhile, but a simple twist to tighten it again and its good to go!

Great pen for the medium price.

I hope you liked the photos and the simple review! :happyberet:


Edit: Oh my, the photos are huge, I recently bought a 9.1MP digital camera, still playing around with it. I had the photo settings on suitable for HD TV viewing. They should automatically get reduced to 44% of its original size though, sorry about that!

Edited by Nyte
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you've just bought that pen you might want to examine it closely: I have a Titanium Herringbone Townsend and its 18 karat nib is bicoloured and marked '18k' on the left and '750' on the right, with an oval design between the two. On the other hand, the stainless steel nibs on the Chrome Townsend look just like the nib in your photo...

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Yeah I know, never found out why but even on the Cross site, search Herringbone, and you'll see the pen, the Thumbnail photo shows the nib as bi-coloured and when you click it, it shows it as the stainless steel, I think it's when it's 50% off they only give you the stainless steel one, I bought mine 50% off anyways, it's okay!




Though I got to admit, the 18karat gold nib looks quite nice!


Edit: I bought mine a long time ago haha.

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Though I got to admit, the 18karat gold nib looks quite nice!


I'm not sure. I look at mine and everything is silver apart from a couple of splotches on the nib: I think I would prefer it to be all silver tbh.


It's a nice pen though. I'm very pleased with it.


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  • 9 months later...

I've looked at that pen several times (was thinking of getting one.) I noticed that some sites offer it both ways, steel nib for approx. $140.00 and the 18 Kt nib for $230.00. And, the ones they show as the 18kts. often do not look two toned, they look just like the steel nibs. Not sure what's up with that. I have also noticed them on sale with a listed retail of $230.00 and a sale price at more than 50% off.



Price: $230 (But I've seen it in various places for 50% off every now and then.)


Description: An engraved herringbone pattern gives this Cross Townsend fountain pen it's unique textured feel. The titanium herringbone pen is accented with rhodium plated appointments and an 18 karat gold/rhodium plated nib. (Credits: Cross)









Cross, as usual, offers a great looking and working pen.


-It's a decent weight, it's not too light, not too heavy

-Looks great

-Writes great

-Quite sturdy

-You can fit a spare ink cartridge into the body of the pen (Maybe other Cross pens does this too, but I've only one :thumbup: ).

-The usual gorgeous nib

-It's real smooth, all my fountain pens are Medium nib, but I'd prefer Fine or Extra Fine, as I'm left handed so anything to avoid smearing (It doesn't happen though).



-The cap is real tight (Air tight perhaps) and when you open it, some ink flies out (Only rarely, but it does happen).

-The way its built, the handle becomes loose sometimes when you write a lot for a long period of time (The part for changing the ink).

-The usual TINY Cross ink cartridges.

-The handle warms up quite a bit if you write for awhile (It bothers me, but thats just a personal thing :rolleyes: ).

-It could probably do a LITTLE bit more width on the pen itself.


All in all, I love the pen, but the only thing that truly bothers me is that the handle gets loose after awhile, but a simple twist to tighten it again and its good to go!

Great pen for the medium price.

I hope you liked the photos and the simple review! :happyberet:


Edit: Oh my, the photos are huge, I recently bought a 9.1MP digital camera, still playing around with it. I had the photo settings on suitable for HD TV viewing. They should automatically get reduced to 44% of its original size though, sorry about that!


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  • 2 years later...

I got the black lacquer one for $65 with the gold nib, my only qualm with it is the ring isnt there on the section right after the barrel. It was also a demo pen.

"Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill." - Cicero -

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