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Jinhao #250


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Jinhao #250



Seller: 4/5

Appearance: 4/5

Construction: 5/5

Nib: 5/5


I got my Jinhao #250 in the mail today from China. I bought it from "GoToSchool" on eBay. They were prompt, courteous, and helpful. I also won the auction for $0.99 plus shipping, which helps. They were a little slower to answer one question than I might have liked, but not unacceptably so.


The finish is a bit more starkly contrasting than I expected, but still attractive. The appointments are plated in a pale gold.


The pen is heavy. Metal bodied with a metal section. It is very nicely balanced, unposted. It was easy to write with without strain. The clip is attached securely with no hint of wobble. The cap is snap-style and attaches securely.


The nib is attractive and interesting. It is a steel nib with gold accents. It is shaped not unlike a Celtic "leaf blade" sword. The feed is particularly fascinating. There are no exposed flanges or slots, just a smooth expanse of plastic (ebonite?), hugging close to the bottom of the nib. The metal section in comfortable to grip. It is textured enough not to be slippery, but not so much as to be annoying.


The nib glides smoothly over paper, leaving an even, wet line. It is narrower than my Libelle or Targa M nibs, but still clearly not an F.


I am very pleased with this purchase. Even if I had not gotten it on eBay, they are just $10 at some online outlets. Despite the cost, it's a really nice pen, comfortable in the hand, that writes a very nice line. I would definitely suggest this to anyone looking for an inexpensive entry into the FP hobby, or an experienced user looking for a daily writer or change of pace.



The pen before being inked.


This is a writing sample, using Noodler's Purple Martin on 22# inkjet paper.


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"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." — Rudyard Kipling

"In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." — George Orwell

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Thanks for the review and the picture. I have several Jinhoa pens, and all have been very smooth writers. There are some models with 14C nibs, too. So far, they all have been a bit on the heavy side -- not a complaint, but their weight has kept them from making it into my daily-user group. I have also bought from "GoToSchool" on eBay and got prompt service.

Edited by jdclarkson



"Let those who don't want none

have memories of not gettin' any."

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Thanks for the review.


Got a Jinhao 500 pen not so long ago but haven't had the chance to write a review and make a picture.


It has the same nib and it is extremely smooth. Even up side down it's extremely smooth. I think it's one of the best nibs I've ever tried. :thumbup:


The pen itself is heavy (too heavy for my taste) but well balanced when not posted. The 500 has a plastic section.


If you like heavy pens and don't mind the pretious looks many of these pens have than I'd highly recommend them for daily users.



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What are the measurements on this pen? I am looking for another pen and something like this would definitely meet the cost requirements, Specifically the diameter. Thanks


Edited by journeyman42

When going on a journey always take your pen.

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What are the measurements on this pen? I am looking for another pen and something like this would definitely meet the cost requirements, Specifically the diameter. Thanks


5.5" capped

4.75" uncapped

6.25" posted


Diameter is almost exactly .5" at the widest point, just behind the section/body join

http://www.dragonseptarts.com/images/favicon.gif Dragonsept Arts and Publishing - Free and open culture

My Public Key: F1BC60E6

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." — Rudyard Kipling

"In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." — George Orwell

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  • 7 years later...
  • 2 months later...

Great review! I actually have this model coming in the mail in a couple of days.


I'm still fairly new to fountain pens though I write with some cheaper beginner models on a daily basis. I wanted to see if the Jinhao 250 has a removeable nib and if you know what size it can be replaced with. i would love to get an italic nib on it.

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Do you really think it might be an ebonite feed?


I would be extremely surprised if it was ebonite - I don't have this particular model, but Jinhao pens tend to be mass-produced, and plastic feeds are easier to manufacture in large numbers. Ebonite (as I understand it) requires much more careful attention - which is why you'll mostly find it in (hand-made) Indian pens and/or some higher-end European pens.

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I think the x250 and the x500 have the same feed and nib. They are smaller and are very adequately supplied by the converter reservoir. One can expect the same smooth, even flow from both pens.

The x500 is more cylindrical, and a bit heavier, not that it matters to me. I use the two at work interchangeably . Everyone seems to like them.


I recommend a soapy flush before first ink. I use Noodler's Eel Blue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How is the converter?


Does is leak after some time? Or is it a good quality converter?

It's a pretty good convertor, given it comes free with a cheap pen. (That is something you have to give Jinhao and all of the Chinese cheapskate manufacturers credit for: I don't think I've ever bought a Chinese pen off fleabay that didn't come with a convertor.) I have quite a few Jinhaos, and the plasticky looking convertor is actually better than the more impressive looking metal chased one that comes with some of the flashier looking Jinhaos.


fitz, the nib's a 6. I tried putting the nib from a 250 into a Konrad a while back, to see if it would dry out any slower than the not very flexy flex nib that came with. (It didn't.)

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the review! My daughter just bought a couple of x250s, I am not certain which seller on eBay she used.

The first one she got struck her as cheaply made, the converter was different from the x450s we both have, and literally fell apart when she removed it from the pen. When she got a set of four of them, we noticed other differences. The first one has a smaller nib with no breathing hole, and the feed is perfectly smooth. All four of the others have a slightly longer nib, and a feed with the usual slots for holding ink. The converters in the set were all the same as the x450 converters, fairly good quality. All the pens are Jinhao x250, and in fact, one of the four was in the same color scheme - sliver with gold trim. Those two pens look identical at first look, only when you look at the nibs and feeds or the converters do you see a difference. Interesting. Personally, I like the pens from the set, the grip is somewhat better for my hand.

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