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Writing Paper for Snail Mail


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What make of writing paper do you guys'n'gals use for your snail mail correspondence?







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I use a variety, depending on my mood and who I'm writing to.


I use a lot of stationery that I requisition from fellow FPNer peachez, which features her paintings.

I use lovely straw stationery that I got from The Writing Desk.

I use paper that I get at W H Smith.

I even, on occasion, use sheep poo paper!



Edited by CasmiUK

"Baldrick, you wouldn't recognise a cunning plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord singing 'Cunning plans are here again'"

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Because my mail goes overseas, I use 17 pound Vellum.



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I just ordered a Clairefontaine Triomphe writing tablet, and envelopes...i've read many good things about this paper on FPN.


And i don't snail mail that often, but i tend to use sheets of paper out of my journals (and i use my small paper cutter to clean up the edges). A couple brands that have really nice, FP friendly paper inside are Brush Dance and Paperblanks.



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What make of writing paper do you guys'n'gals use for your snail mail correspondence?


My stationery inventory consists of both smooth and "toothy" papers. By "toothy," I mean paper with a little bit of texture that causes a wee bit of drag on the nib. The smooth paper is pretty much suitable for all nibs; however, I've found that a really buttery nib that glides across paper can actually be a little hard to control on smooth paper. I usually use the really buttery nibs on toothy paper. I find the toothy paper is only suitable for nibs that are pretty smooth. Even a slightly toothy nib is not such a pleasure to use on toothy paper because it tends to snag on the textured paper. Here's how I classify the paper I use:


Smooth papers:

Clairefontaine Triomphe

HP Premium Laser paper in 28# and 32#


Toothy papers:

Verge de France by G. Lalo

Southworth Resume paper - 24#


I use the HP laser paper and the Southworth resume paper to make my own stationery, using computer-generated clip art. Sometimes I leave it full size, and sometimes I cut it in half making 8.5 in. x 5.5 in sheets.





So many pens, so little time!




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I use a variety of paper, but the best I've found for the full tonal range of the ink I'm using is Clairefontaine Triomphe.

<span style='font-size: 12px;'><span style='font-family: Trebuchet MS'><span style='color: #0000ff'><strong class='bbc'>Mitch</strong></span><span style='color: #0000ff'>



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I use Zanders Gohrsmühle with watermark. It is available in Germany at Staples and other stationery shops.




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I write most of my snail mail with dip pens so I use a toothier 25% or 100% cotton paper because it feels more elegant to me. I like Southworth's, Eaton and Neenah papers lately.

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I use a variety also:


FPN Pads

Clairefontaine Triomphe Pad

HP Laserjet 32lb

Crane's Crest (28lb & 32lb)

Other miscellaneous papers I have around

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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I use a tablet of Ampad paper I got at Walmart. It is about 6 x 9, and very fp friendly (plus it is inexpensive).



All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

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I tend to use either some fairly ordinary Hallmark stationery (because I have a couple of partial boxes of it still to use up from long ago), or Clairefontaine Triomphe pads for smoother but plainer paper. But I'm fairly open to different papers, there isn't one I always prefer over all others. :)

A handwritten blog (mostly)



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I use several as well.


Crane's Monarch 100% Cotton (my fav. but a little toothy)

Clairefontaine Triomphe (A4 & A5)

Crown Mill (A5)

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Crane's Pearl White Silk Laid

("airmail" weight; the "back" side according to the watermark is uncoated, which takes saturated fountain pen inks better; it can also take double-sided writing from many inks, but your results may vary)


Crane's Ecruwhite Kid Finish

(heavy, with no apparent performance difference between sides, but your results may vary)


(edit: Crane's makes the paper for U.S. currency, which of course isn't among the products Crane's sells to the general public, but this fact does mean the company won't go out of business any time soon.)

Edited by Goodwhiskers

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I use an Ampad writing tablet or any of the many pretty writing tablets from Family Dollar. I also like using HP 32# paper on occasion.



Cathy L. Carter


Live. Love. Write.

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