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Just got my new baby a Delta Israel 60 LE Vermail


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I was waiting to get this pen for 3 months now and finaly its here.

Sorry to start this short review on a negative note but it looks to me as Delta didnt invest much in the packaging of this pen.

When getting a LE pen the box is as important as the pen and on this aspect Delta screwed up big times.

Just a plain paper box with Israel 60 on it and the "Menora" (candle lamp).

Inside is a foam with an ink bottle,a little book telling you just a bit about the pen and of course the pen itself.It feels like Delta didnt invest any thought in this and I am extremly disapointed on this aspect




I guess when you pay over 600$ you expect a lot and maybe no matter what I will not be amazed because the expectations are Soooo high.

Its truly a beautiful pen-light blue body with 2 darker blue lines simboling Israels flag.

The cap is black with Vermail thick ring with 5 star of David and in the centre the Menora.

The clip is a hand,we (jews) read the Tora (book of Genesis) at the sinagouge with the help of this ceremonial hand.I think the clip is the best part of the pen.

At the top of the pen you have the Hebrew letter "Sameh" it has the value of 60 in the Hebrew old numbering system and that is a very nice touch.

The pen is not oversize and it feels more like a full size.Its 135cm capped and 125 uncapped.

It is a fat pen so it doesnt feel small at all.It actualy feels very good in the hand.The cap is very heavy so once you put the cap down the pen is light weight and very well balanced.

The lever filler works as smooth as expected.It is locked into place by friction so you need to put some force to actualy open it,this is good to prevent accidental spills.

The nib isnt too big,it has the star of David on it and it adds to the overall feeling of the pen.

I ordered the pen with a F nib 18K.

How does it write you ask ?

Well I am happy to say like a dream,very smooth and responsive and leaves a nice wet line-just the way I like it.I do like some flex to my pens but this nib is very firm.Never the less I am very very happy with the way it writes,sadly this pen will see very little use with me.

I think more then a LE pen this pen was designed to be used!!!

It feels great in the hand and the overall feeling while writing is natural and good.A truly writing instrument that is also very beautiful.

The quality of the pen is second to none.It feels as solid as solid could be with attantion to details.

My other Delta DVOS is just the same made of good material and feels very solid.Delta does make very high quality pens.


So overall this is a wonderful pen but I think more then anything the box disapointd me,the DVOS box was much better then this simple paper box and foam inside.

The pen itself is a wonderful writing instrument and beautiful too BUT somehow for this money I expected more,I dont know what but more.Do I make any sence ?

Respect to all

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. . . I am very very happy with the way it writes,sadly this pen will see very little use with me.

I think more then a LE pen this pen was designed to be used!!! . . .



I don't understand - why won't you use this pen?

Fool: One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth.

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Very nice review! Good pictures!

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” Voltaire

"'The French Soldier,' pronounced Rostopchin, 'has to be incited to battle by high-sounding phrases; the German must have it logically proved to him that it is more dangerous to run away than to advance; but the Russian soldier has to be held back, and urged to go slowly!'" War and Peace

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I should add: I think the the picture of the pen make it look much more desirable than the pics you had linked to in the past. Your pics give me a better perspective regarding the shape and proportion, specifically the cap relative to the body.... and I like it.

Fool: One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth.

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Nice!! I know you've been wanting this pen for a while, congrats on finally getting it. I like the symbolism on the pen, the national colors, and the use of the Star of David applied on the most important part of the pen, the nib. As for the packaging, I think it was understated for a reason. The State of Israel has struggled to survive for 60 years in dignity. I think the box reflects that.


You have a super nice pen that commemorates a spectacular achievement. Something to think about when you use it. Handle and use it in good health!


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Good and very thoughtful review! Thanks for sharing your joy with us!! Very nice looking pen, I hope you use it in good health for many years!





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Thanks for the kind words.

Why not use it everyday ?

As a trads person I risk scratching my pen everyday.Since this pen was so expensive and is a LE pen I dont have the heart to use it.

And as far as I can feel my Omas Paragon is still a better writer then this pen.

Respect to all

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Why not use it everyday ?

As a trads person I risk scratching my pen everyday.Since this pen was so expensive and is a LE pen I dont have the heart to use it.

And as far as I can feel my Omas Paragon is still a better writer then this pen.


I think the acrylics that Delta uses are usually very sturdy and scratch-resistant. So buckle up and put that racy pen into your pocket! :roflmho:


Also, I am frankly glad that they didn't invest a lot in an overly gaudy box. See it this way: the money that you paid went straight into the design of the pen and wasn't lavished upon a fancy box. I like that the expensive Dupont Orpheos come in a petty and unemcumbered little box.

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Scratches on plastic pens are easily polished out. I'd like the option of buying new pens in a bag. I think at least half the cost of many modern pens is in the silly box.

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nice mogran david on the nib!

Maybe you should send it to richard and get a hebrew friendly nib tuned into it...


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nice mogran david on the nib!

Maybe you should send it to richard and get a hebrew friendly nib tuned into it...


Hi Ze'ev

(Are you also an Israeli immigrant in a foreign country ?)

This nib actualy writes nicly in Hebrew.

Here in Canada I dont get much of a chance to write in Hebrew so it makes no sence to make the change.I also am not planing to write a lot with the pen.

Respect to all

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heh, no one can pronounce my name properly so I go by my Middle (english) name most of the time, my mothers jewish-but I do not really practice.

One day i will go to Israel, but I want to wait until things quiet down some more.

Have fun with your pen.


Lamy 2000-Lamy Vista-Visconti Van Gogh Maxi Tortoise Demonstrator-Pilot Vanishing Point Black Carbonesque-1947 Parker 51 Vacumatic Cedar Blue Double Jewel-Aurora Optima Black Chrome Cursive Italic-Waterman Hemisphere Metallic Blue-Sheaffer Targa-Conway Stewart CS475

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