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brief comparison of two steel nibs on The Herald (Edison Pen)

John Cullen

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The other week I mentioned I got a black and red ebonite Herald from Brian Gray with a standard steel nib. Yesterday I received a second Herald. (yes, I am greedy) This one I got in the blue/green with black veins ebonite and I got the Taccia steel nib.


The Taccia nib is more expensive than the standard steel nib. Both are good, smooth with no hitches. But in the end I have to say I like the Taccia nib a little better. I don't think the difference between the standard and the Taccia steel nib is like night and day. But I think the Taccia nib is a tad smoother and a tad more forgiving if you rotate your wrist the way I do. Often when I write quickly I turn my wrist so much I feel the edge of the nib tip. The standard steel nib is forgiving but the Taccia is very forgiving. Heck, with the Taccia I could purposely twist my write in or out and not feel any difference or lose any ink.


So both steel nibs are nice, but I do prefer the Taccia based on my limited experience, and will probably order one to put on my other Herald.


For once I half wish I did have a camera to take a picture. The blue and green with black ebonite is gorgeous material, IMO, and the pen is buffed up so well it really has a wonderful uniform shine. My other Herald is buffed well too, but there is something in the green/blue material that makes it a little more outstanding.


Of course all of this is subjective, and remember I like Steel nibs to begin with. Thumbs up. jc

Edited by MYU
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sounds great.

thx for the write up on the nibs.

i'm still saving up...and still not sure which nib to get...

might want one of the gold nibs...

so a nibmeister can have a crack at it ;)

cant wait to see some pics of your new beauty though.

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Thx for the update on the nibs.


I cracked and went for the bexley nibs. I really like their nibs, they remind me of visconti nibs performance wise. On my red-black ebonite Herald

Edited by Cloud

Commit to be fit


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I cracked and went for the bexley nibs. I really like their nibs, they remind me of visconti nibs performance wise. On my red-black ebonite Herald.

Hello Cloud,


Your comments surrounding Bexley nibs caught my eye...for I was fortunate to have recently been given an exceptionally well-crafted FP that has a Bexley 18-carat stub nib...The nib writes beautifully -- laying down lines of exquisite quality (uniform, precise and oh-so smoooooooooth!)...I would buy one in a heartbeat. :thumbup:



Glad to hear you're enjoying those Pencraft standard and Taccia steel nibs...Brian certainly produces some outstanding products, doesn't he?..Regarding steel nibs, I've had very good luck with several Pilots over they years...It's only been recently that I've purchased a Pilot (pearl white Decimo) that uses a gold nib...Each material (steel or gold) has its unique set of properties that make one or the other my go to pen, depending upon the application.


Best Regards,





-Clive Merrick Morel

. Please do not send PMs...E-mail me: clivemmorel@earthlink.net

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