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I Love My Kaigelu!


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I'm a Sheaffer devotee who went looking for a cheap pen to carry to and from work. I didn't want to take a school pen (too immature?) even though I've used them for years. I didn't want to take my more expensive Waterman or Sheaffer for fear I'd lose it. Lamy doesn't appeal because they're too stark, and I'm not at all familiar with other brands to actually use them. I've also been burned before by buying a fountain pen without trying it, and having its balance totally wrong for my small hands/long fingers.


I went looking on isellpens.com and chewed my fingernails over the Chinese pens. It seemed wrong to desert Sheaffer, but a #226 was only $8. If it turned out to be a lousy buy, I wouldn't be out the money. And it was billed as a smaller to mid-sized pen, light weight... and it was black and elegant. With a removable ink converter. I mean, how bad could it be?


I bought one of it and a second pen (also Chinese) but not a Kaigelu, and crossed my fingers. The second pen turned out to be absolutely horrible. Ill-balanced, would not write, the presentation box and visual of the pen was better than the actual pen.


I love my Kaigelu. So much that I went back and bought two more for gifts. First of all, it's 95% metal (steel?), the converter works flawlessly, and the workmanship is clean and elegant. Lovely balanced for my hand, though my SO says it's too small for his fingers. (Well, duh! small to medium? only 6" long?) I've dropped it twice on a school linoleum floor and it's ignored my clumsiness. It didn't bleed or spray ink on the floor, either. It wrote from the moment it came out of the box. And it has a cute little kangaroo logo on the clip.


I've switched from Noodler's Beaver to J. Herbin's Lie The and back without a skip or skid. I've slung it around in notebooks and a carryall and my purse, expecting it to leak. It's taken it all in stride and is the most reliable fountain pen I've ever owned.


I've put away my Sheaffer and Waterman (hangs head in shame). I never thought a Chinese-made pen could make me do this. I've no idea why it's so good, I only know that whenever I ask it to write, it writes.


I'm sorry this isn't a more technical review. Maybe someone else out there could give one, telling me about this manufacturer. I can't find any information on the web about them. I only know that I'd buy another based on the $8 I have. It looks and works far better than my $80 Shaeffer that's 15 years old, and the horrible aluminum Parker I abandoned in a desk drawer years ago.


Image of pen (mine is the solid black one, bottom right; click to magnify):



Edited by MYU
embedded photo for convenience

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  • 1 year later...

I noticed on isellpens.com that a lot of these Kaigelu pens come with screw-on converters, which is something I'd like to look into when I get my next pen (I was thinking about it the other day, wondering if any pen companies did anything more secure with their converters than to have them simply push in). I've had the nib and section of a pen slip away from the converter while I was trying to fill my pen once. It landed inside one of those tall Noodlers bottles, forcing me to pour all the ink into a glass jar to retrieve the pen


So, does the 226 have that same screw-on feature?

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I noticed on isellpens.com that a lot of these Kaigelu pens come with screw-on converters, which is something I'd like to look into when I get my next pen (I was thinking about it the other day, wondering if any pen companies did anything more secure with their converters than to have them simply push in). I've had the nib and section of a pen slip away from the converter while I was trying to fill my pen once. It landed inside one of those tall Noodlers bottles, forcing me to pour all the ink into a glass jar to retrieve the pen


So, does the 226 have that same screw-on feature?


why don't you drop Todd, the owner, an e-mail? here's the address: pen-king2@cox.net


he's very promt at answering questions!!

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I think you've discovered what I've found -- you don't need to spend a bunch of money on a pen to find one that works well for you. About 10 years ago a coworker was in Hong Kong and bought me 12 Hero pens for $10 -- that's 83 cents per pen. I've only got 3 of them left (gave away the rest), but they get used every day.


While some of the more expensive pens are beautiful, there's no guarantee they write for you any better than an inexpensive pen. It's also nice to sometimes be a bit smug about the fact that you're writing with a pen you enjoy and didn't plunk down hundreds of dollars for it. I have a Montblanc that I did plunk down hundreds of dollars for and it doesn't write any better than the el cheapos -- in fact, it doesn't write as well, sometimes failing to write on the downstroke with some inks on some papers.


That said, some day if I have the spare nickels, I would like to get a more expensive pen tuned to my tastes. But I can wait and it's not necessary for me to enjoy writing with a fountain pen.

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I find that the joy of FP writing comes with hunting for low cost FP that is reliable and always writes.

I have a Kaigelu before, a duofold style in brown marble. It was a great writer and smooth. I regretted selling. :crybaby: The buyer receives it very happily and asked that i should let him know when i have more of it...


so the kaigelu is in my hunt list


enjoy your pen

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So, does the 226 have that same screw-on feature?



The one I have is a push-in convertor. I can't check the other models at the moment, they're not with me. But do email Todd. I don't think he has any more 226s in stock, though.


I've put several more kaigs on my Christmas list, so am crossing fingers I get them.

Edited by wednesday_mac

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  • 5 months later...

What is far more to the point is to say that I have had quite good experiences with Hero & Jinhao pens, so I am not at all surprised that the Kaigelu brand should be satisfactory. It seems to be the case that Chinese pens are made as writing instruments, a purpose which gets a little lost with many Western makers.

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Keep the comments focused on the pen please.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of nothing at all...

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I'll try one of thsoe. My sabonis is flawless, so I expect similar quality from this.


Oh, and rommel was not a member of the party, he refused to kill jews and pows and he was admired by patton and all the allied coronels. Just a few random facts, but it is surprising to see a line named after him. I will buy a rommel for my WWII buff buddy

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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An in appropriate comment was slipped in back in December and went unnoticed. It was not appropriate for a review--irrelevant. I have removed said comment and anything that responded to it.

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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A cheap pen, I'm always on the lookout for

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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Isellpens does not ship to Mexico

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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A cheap pen, I'm always on the lookout for


From my experience I find "inexpensive" to be a more appropriate description.


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'great price-quality ratio' sounds even better

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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  • 2 months later...
I'm a Sheaffer devotee who went looking for a cheap pen to carry to and from work. I didn't want to take a school pen (too immature?) even though I've used them for years. I didn't want to take my more expensive Waterman or Sheaffer for fear I'd lose it. Lamy doesn't appeal because they're too stark, and I'm not at all familiar with other brands to actually use them. I've also been burned before by buying a fountain pen without trying it, and having its balance totally wrong for my small hands/long fingers.


I went looking on isellpens.com and chewed my fingernails over the Chinese pens. It seemed wrong to desert Sheaffer, but a #226 was only $8. If it turned out to be a lousy buy, I wouldn't be out the money. And it was billed as a smaller to mid-sized pen, light weight... and it was black and elegant. With a removable ink converter. I mean, how bad could it be?


I bought one of it and a second pen (also Chinese) but not a Kaigelu, and crossed my fingers. The second pen turned out to be absolutely horrible. Ill-balanced, would not write, the presentation box and visual of the pen was better than the actual pen.


I love my Kaigelu. So much that I went back and bought two more for gifts. First of all, it's 95% metal (steel?), the converter works flawlessly, and the workmanship is clean and elegant. Lovely balanced for my hand, though my SO says it's too small for his fingers. (Well, duh! small to medium? only 6" long?) I've dropped it twice on a school linoleum floor and it's ignored my clumsiness. It didn't bleed or spray ink on the floor, either. It wrote from the moment it came out of the box. And it has a cute little kangaroo logo on the clip.


I've switched from Noodler's Beaver to J. Herbin's Lie The and back without a skip or skid. I've slung it around in notebooks and a carryall and my purse, expecting it to leak. It's taken it all in stride and is the most reliable fountain pen I've ever owned.


I've put away my Sheaffer and Waterman (hangs head in shame). I never thought a Chinese-made pen could make me do this. I've no idea why it's so good, I only know that whenever I ask it to write, it writes.


I'm sorry this isn't a more technical review. Maybe someone else out there could give one, telling me about this manufacturer. I can't find any information on the web about them. I only know that I'd buy another based on the $8 I have. It looks and works far better than my $80 Shaeffer that's 15 years old, and the horrible aluminum Parker I abandoned in a desk drawer years ago.


Image of pen (mine is the solid black one, bottom right; click to magnify):






Hi, this a Spanish mad for the fountain pens. I am sorry for my english anyway.


I've been collecting fountain pens for more than 20 years and, opf course, I've tried all the main typical brands, such as Parker, Cross, Waterman, Lamy, Montblanc, Pelikan, etc. and from one year to now I declare my conversion to chinese fountain pens, specially HERO and KAIGELU. Actually I can say that I buy form ebay all models I can find from these brands, and my favorites sellers are "trademarket2008" and "callen6"-"ghostshow" (are the same). To me there is no other best that KAIGELU talking money/quality. Simply WONDERFUL.


I'm going to write what models I have and my rate 0-10:


- 327 7

- 328 red/gold 9,5

- 328 yellow/silver 9

- 331 6

- 309 8

- 325 10

- 226 10

- 335 9,5


.... and waitin for 338



Don't have any dubt with KAIGELU; smart finish, wonderful feeling writing, and realiable ink flow.


Regards from Spain

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Hi, this a Spanish mad for the fountain pens. I am sorry for my english anyway.


I've been collecting fountain pens for more than 20 years and, opf course, I've tried all the main typical brands, such as Parker, Cross, Waterman, Lamy, Montblanc, Pelikan, etc. and from one year to now I declare my conversion to chinese fountain pens, specially HERO and KAIGELU. Actually I can say that I buy form ebay all models I can find from these brands, and my favorites sellers are "trademarket2008" and "callen6"-"ghostshow" (are the same). To me there is no other best that KAIGELU talking money/quality. Simply WONDERFUL.


I'm going to write what models I have and my rate 0-10:


- 327 7

- 328 red/gold 9,5

- 328 yellow/silver 9

- 331 6

- 309 8

- 325 10

- 226 10

- 335 9,5


.... and waitin for 338



Don't have any dubt with KAIGELU; smart finish, wonderful feeling writing, and realiable ink flow.


Regards from Spain


you might like this site. shipping could be expensive tho'!!!: http://isellpens.com/kaigelu.html (no affiliation)


tell me, how do you like the 328? the only kaigelu i have is the 323... and it's just ok (smooth, but it doesn't like all inks, it's a bit finicky/fussy). i like the look of the 328 and was wondering how it writes!!!


edited to include the usual disclaimer!!!

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I have a Kaigelu #323 medium nib, screw in converter. This is a full size pen and works quite well except I am having trouble keeping the ink flowing to the nib. Every time I use the pen for the first time of the day, I have to unscrew the pen and turn the converter knob to push ink down. I am using Pelikan 4001 Royal Blue ink in it.

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I have a Kaigelu #323 medium nib, screw in converter. This is a full size pen and works quite well except I am having trouble keeping the ink flowing to the nib. Every time I use the pen for the first time of the day, I have to unscrew the pen and turn the converter knob to push ink down. I am using Pelikan 4001 Royal Blue ink in it.

get rid of the pelikan ink!!!!!! i had the same problem and now it's working fine with Private Reserve Midnight Blues or Naples Blue. if you see my previous post, that's what i meant by "finicky/fussy", it just doesn't like all inks!!


of course, you gotta make sure you give it a nice flush. first with soapy water and then just clean pure H2O!!!

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you might like this site. shipping could be expensive tho'!!!: http://isellpens.com/kaigelu.html (no affiliation)


tell me, how do you like the 328? the only kaigelu i have is the 323... and it's just ok (smooth, but it doesn't like all inks, it's a bit finicky/fussy). i like the look of the 328 and was wondering how it writes!!!


edited to include the usual disclaimer!!!



I have the Kaigelu #316 fountain pen with a medium nib. I love the way it writes! I have iroshizuku yu yake (orange) in it. It's a bit heavy with the cap posted, so I don't write with it posted. I'd love to find other pens with similar nibs...



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