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Leaky Lamy


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I acquired a Lamy Safari (my first pen, whee) in May and have been enjoying it since. However, I've noticed a little problem recently (which coincides with its increased ink usage): it appears to be leaking ink where the nib meets the barrel. Not big droplets or anything, but if I touch the joint with a Kleenex it will pick up a lot of ink, and that part of the barrel has a blue ring of ink around it. It's a little messy and I'd rather it doesn't leak, so what can I do to stop it?


I figured a bit of wax applied to the troublesome region would stop the leak. Might that work, or will I cause some terrible harm to the pen?



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One of my very first posts in this forum was about this same issue, with the same pen.


In a nutshell, everyone who responded confirmed this phenomenon. I guess you just don't touch it with a tissue!

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are you talking about the flat area of the section that the nib "sits" on?




So in my primitive picture, the vertical line? As long as it's not actually getting any ink in your pen cap (from leaking into the cap) or actually getting on the pen grip, I wouldn't worry about it. I have a few other pens from different brands that all do the same thing.


I'm beginning to learn that, unless the problem is actually affecting the performance of the pen or getting ink on your hands, you shouldn't worry about it too much.


If it IS leaking, you can always order a new nib section from LamyUSA. I believe they'll send you a whole new section for $15. Otherwise, you can always send it in to LamyUSA and have them fix it for free, if you live in the states...

An empty can usually makes the loudest noise.

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I've checked inside the cap and there doesn't seem to be any noticeable ink in it. The only trouble is the dried ink around the very end of the section, which occasionally rubs off on my hands.


So should I just ignore it?

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I acquired a Lamy Safari (my first pen, whee) in May and have been enjoying it since. However, I've noticed a little problem recently (which coincides with its increased ink usage): it appears to be leaking ink where the nib meets the barrel. Not big droplets or anything, but if I touch the joint with a Kleenex it will pick up a lot of ink, and that part of the barrel has a blue ring of ink around it. It's a little messy and I'd rather it doesn't leak, so what can I do to stop it?


I figured a bit of wax applied to the troublesome region would stop the leak. Might that work, or will I cause some terrible harm to the pen?




Touching the area with a Kleenex where the nib meets the pen (any pen) causes the ink to flow out. At least that's been my experience.


As for your leaky-seeming and messy Lamy Safari, I had a similar problem when I used certain inks. For example, Diamine Blue-Black and Noodler's Gulf Stream tended to leave a ring of ink around the end of the section, right near where the nib met the plastic. They seemed like very fast-flowing inks to me. I stopped the problem by using different ink.


Another possibility is that the nib is not seated all the way back on the feed, and ink gets loose in the tiny crevice.

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Okay. I'll be changing inks soon enough anyways -- need to go bottled or I'll be eating up cartridges like mad. I'll see if it keeps doing it then.

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It sounds like, when you write, your hand is pretty low on the grip. Not sure, though... some pictures would help.


If the ink is actually coming onto the grip section itself, I have to ask one question: do you store the pen with the nib facing downward, twirl your pen around, or make any fast movements while writing? Sometimes, I'll unconsciously flick my pen between my fingers when I'm about to write, and it'll cause some ink to get on the nib. Anything like that?

An empty can usually makes the loudest noise.

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No, my hand is on the grip molded into the body. It's just that occasionally a finger brushes against the end of the section and gets some half-dried ink on it. The ink is indeed on the very end of the section (though not up the rest of the grip).


I try to keep the nib up (in my pocket) and I don't twirl the pen like I do with my pencil (a nasty habit) so I don't think it's either of those.

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Hmm.. well, I think I might have been wrong before... I thought you were wiping the actual seat of the nib, where ink is normally supposed to reside.


If the ink is actually coming onto the section, that's a bit different. I don't own a Lamy Safari, but I have a Lamy Studio, which is basically the Safari in a nicer barrel. I haven't experienced anything like what you've mentioned, and I've had the pen for several months now. I'm not sure if any of the other posters understood exactly what you were saying, but it seems blueiris seems to have a pretty good idea. According to her, there doesn't seem to be much you can do about it.


Try more viscous ink, like she suggested... but if it really bothers you, as I mentioned before, you can always send it off to LamyUSA; they'll fix the problem right up. Only problem is you'll have to pay a fee for mailing it, and pay Lamy for the postage in sending it back ($7.50). I don't know if it'll be worth it to you to fix up a $20-30 pen. To be honest, I think they'll just end up replacing it with a new nib section... (costs $15 if you order the section directly) If THAT section ends up leaking onto the section again, you'll be right back where you started.


If I were in your shoes, I'd just try to ignore the problem.


I'm sorry that you're experiencing such a problem, especially with such an inexpensive pen. At least with an expensive one, there's no question about what should be done: send it back.

An empty can usually makes the loudest noise.

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I have the same issue with my Vista, of which is inked with a Lamy cartridge. I know how you feel. I use mine at work and suddenly notice that I have inky fingers. Not very professional looking. On the other hand, my Safari, has a convertor with Private Reserve ink and no issues.


I haven't figured out what to do about it yet, needless to say I don't use it at work anymore. I have several cartridges left, so when I'm done with that, I may switch to a convertor. If you find a good solution, let me know.

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blak000: yes, I was wiping the seat of the nib too. But some ink creeps onto the section too, the very bottom "rim".


elena: I was planning on buying some Private Reserve and a convertor for my Safari anyway. I may well try that and see if the different ink makes it act differently.


If there's no difference using PR inks, I may coat the bottom part of the section with a bit of wax to discourage the ink from creeping. It's easy and it may well work.

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If there's no difference using PR inks, I may coat the bottom part of the section with a bit of wax to discourage the ink from creeping. It's easy and it may well work.


I've read on this forum that PR Tanzanite is very, very fast-flowing (there might be others that do this, but Tanzanite is the one I've seen mentioned more than a few times regarding its fast flow). I haven't tried it myself, but I avoid it because I fear that it would create the same sort of mess around the front end of the section. I thought I'd mention it, just in case.

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I also used to get it - especially on very thin flowing inks.


From the construction of the nib and feeder, I think the "problem" is because, there is some section of the feeder where the nib is not covering it.


Dayum, I have lost my Safari - so I dont really recall it graphically - but thats what the thign was. There is slight gap (microscopic) where the nib meets the pen, sitting on the feeder.


However, I found that Lamy's nib/feeder to be really conveneint. You can pull nib out anytime you want, and fix another one.



Here: http://i14.tinypic.com/4pxl2x5.jpg

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Yes, that's the bit that leaks a little. And the "ring" around the section just to the right of that gets a bit of ink on it.


I'll try PR American Blue (which I shall soon buy) and see what happens.

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I have several lamy safaries and one of mine has a tendency to have ink pooled as shown in the marked photo. Perhaps a new seal would correct this issue.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I reloaded the pen with PR American Blue and I'm getting inky fingers every day. This isn't good.


Any possible ways to fix it?

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Where do you grip the pen?

Fool: One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth.

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Where do you grip the pen?

Another LAME Lamy


Obviously no quality process at the manufacturing facility. Just my opinion !


Way too many LAMY problems. I fixed mine but won't buy another. I'm sticking with Waterman, Parker 51's and possibly a Pelikan.


I'll take a firm $95.00 plus shipping for my (used 1 time ) Lamy

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Where do you grip the pen?

The finger that gets inky is on the underside of the section, underneath the end of the molded grip bit. I don't believe I touch the nib or feed anywhere.

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Unless excessive loss/drain, it's normal.


Never hurts to wash the cap out every couple of months, dry with Kleenex.

<i>"Most people go through life using up half their energy trying to protect a dignity they never had."</i><br>-Marlowe, in <i>The Long Goodbye</i>

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