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Bexley Poseidon, "Custom" Colors


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Neotiger has already done a very good review of this pen, but I just finished a little write-up with some pics that I posted on PT, so I thought I would share it here, too, with a few additional observations. -Andy




When announced, I was immediately intrigued by the form of the Bexley Poseidon- like a heftier Pelikan 100N. I liked it, but, apart from the Tortoise, I didn't care for the materials used.


So when I saw these, I kinda went nuts... :)






Pens 1, 2, and 4 are specials made for the eBay seller "outletline" (very satisfied customer); #3 is the special made for Dennis B of Parkville Pens (similarly very satisfied customer :) ). Outletline actually had 5 different models made- the Butterscotch I skipped (possibly regretting that decision), the White is in the mail. He still has a few of the others listed, though he can't have many more (he had 28 of each color produced). (Note on "outletline"- I found him to be very easy to deal with, and all of the nib-swaps I requested arrived as expected.)


The materials are very cool- the cracked ice is probably my favorite. The pen parts are easy to mix-and-match; I think Bexley would have done very well to put brown end-caps on the Tortoise pen instead of black for their standard production pens (it looks pretty snappy).


Here are some detail shots of the materials:






Overall, I am very pleased with the model- great size, great shape. Some people might find it a bit on the short side, but I find it to be just about perfect for use unposted (posted is a bit unwieldy, and, frankly, the cap goes onto the back a little too tightly- happily I never post, so it's a non-issue for me). It's a "little" pen, but it feels big due to its larger-than-usual girth- I like it. One bonus noted- the shorter pocket-depth on this pen makes it one of the few modern pens I own that will fit in every shirt-pocket I have, even the really short ones....


I haven't seen the other two regular-production colors in person, but the pictures I've seen haven't done much for me- s'allright, though- these specials should keep me happy (for a little while, at least ;) ).


Now all I need is for Bexley to make a piston fill version in the Cumberland HR- anyone feel like stepping up and sponsoring another SE? :D



Edited by MYU

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Yeah, totally agree about a great pen.


Really love the Parkville Pen edition, but I just have a thing against gold trim. I also considered the cracked ice one, but figured it would be too similar to the FPN LE Simplicity.

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Excellent review of some fantastic pens! If only it were a piston filler . . .

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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  • 7 years later...

nice pen in every case ;) the poseidon II magnum their sucessor is piston filled

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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